Things I hate

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I'm gonna start this off by saying no offense to people who do these things or the people that made me think of them while writing this.

1. I hate when people are noisy eaters or when they make weird mouth noises. That sounds weird.

2. I hate when people have REALLY bad grammar or entirely mess up their spelling. I do that though...

3. I hate when people interrupt me. It doesn't matter what it is, YOU INTERRUPTED ME!

4. I hate when people get mad for no reason or make fun of someone for something that they can't control or because they're scared of it. Like, really? WTF

5. I hate when I start to say something and my sentence begins with "I feel fat- *right now because I ate too much, I just ate, etc.*" and everyone yells "MADDY YOU'RE NOT FAT, YOU'RE ANOREXIC!" Which, by the way, I am NOT. I am just naturally skinnier than you. Sorry if that offended anyone, that was directed towards my real life friends that say that. And no, I don't mean it I love you girls <3

6. I hate when my teachers talk to me in front of the other students. Like WTF I don't want them to know that I suck at all of my school stuff. Yeah, I never turn in work on time... or do it on time for that matter. Stay in school kids! Even if you hate everyone and everything about it. Trust me, it's probably important. Advice from a 13 year old. Important stuff.

I was gonna say a bad word cuz I felt like it, but I don't wanna get reported by someone who flips out about that stuff. Or say any bad words in front of any little kids that may be on Wattpad... If there are little kids on here than they probably need help. Like a lot of help. *definition of little kid- anyone under the age of 8, but no one under 10 should ever be on Wattpad.* Safety precautions people! We don't want them to end up like us, especially anything on the dark side of the internet... oh god... I feel so old when I say internet. Who says internet?

7. I hate when I rant and don't ever even mean to. Sorry about every rant I make, so almost everything I write in anything without a real story line. I need help. I have problems OKAY?

8. I hate when I don't know how to end something. You know, like a conversation, or a chapter. You get what I'm saying.


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