Another "quick" update

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Hey guys! So, I bet you're wondering why I haven't been posting much. Or why I just published a billion things at once. I took a bit of a break to be lazy during the summer and it spilled into the first two months of school.

I currently have a bit of writer's block and I'm trying to work on Too Far Gone, but I just haven't been inspired to write in it lately. I hope this doesn't make anyone sad or anything, it won't because I don't have many followers...

But don't worry, because I have a plan! *da da na da!* I'm working on a story for my English teacher and I want to upload in on here too, just to give you something to read. It might be kind of similar to Too Far Gone, but still pretty different. I don't know how to explain things very well, so maybe I should just give you a sample of it here? ;)

"In the events of a power outage," the old radio in the dinner drones on. I hardly pay attention to it as I focus on the sound of the rain pounding against the tin roof. I stare out the window, watching the water droplets falling on the cracked pavement of the empty road.

Suddenly the reporter's voice stops. "When are you gonna fix that thing, Delilah?" I ask as the middle aged woman walks to the the counter. "Michelle, you shouldn't be here right now. Didn't you hear what Larry was sayin'?" She asks me and I reply with a shrug.

I hope you liked it! That's actually *almost* directly from the notebook of this wackadoof! It's only the first bit I've written on that story, but I thought it was good enough to share with the few people who might read this.

Actually, I might post the first bit of the story later this week so stay tuned! I'm really hoping that people will still actually read my writing...

Oh, and another thing! I said I would post some fan fictions on here soon, buuuuut... I might have lied. I decided to make another, separate account for my fangirling. Don't know how that'll work out, but it's somethin'!

Anyways, just thought I should let people know what's going on at the moment. I promise *there you go with a risky word again* that I am going to try to have something coming out for books every week or two. I hope I can keep this promise better than I did with the last one. Okay, quit rambling! Bye <3


Just a side note- I could feel my tiny bit of remaining sanity slipping away as I wrote this. It's good to be back!

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