03: Age of Discovery

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"Well, one is younger, and one is older."

"That's information doesn't help me at all, Air. C'mon dude."

"Okay, how 'bout this: their first names both start with the same letter, and their last names both end with the same letter."

Having shortened the list of girls to a more manageable chunk, Jordan began to eliminate pairs verbally.

"Both younger...both older...last letters don't match...her first name is spelled differently..." This caused a laugh to escape Aaron's throat, knowing his buddy was getting nearer in a mental game of "Guess Who."

Jordan happened upon a roadblock, which required another hint. "I've got three sets. How many years from you are they?" he queried.

"A year older, and the same age as me," was the resulting response. At that the puzzle pieces clicked firmly into place, and Jordan began rolling in shock on the floor, the sturdy carpeted boards beneath him creaking ever so often.

"Nuh-uh! No way! Nuh-uh nuh-uh nuh-uh! Are you kidding me? No! Nuh-uh!"

"Who are they? C'mon, Jor, tell me!"

"Aaron Avondale, are you telling me that you have a crush on Jamie Loline, and Jenna Plume?"

His only answer was unabashed giddiness from the bed above his head. "Nuh-uh," was all he could keep saying.

As the night drifted on toward dawn, the sounds became less laughter and shock and more shifting into comfortable positions. Soon one snore became two, and two became three as each boys mind was put to rest and set to dream until the return of the light.

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