Fights and Friendships

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The punch nailed Viktor in the jaw, and he fell to the floor, knocking his back against the hard, marble floor. He looked up and saw Ron, Hermione's boyfriend, looming over him. His face was bright red with anger. Viktor was surprised there wasn't steam spewing out of his ears.

"What the hell?!" Viktor said, steadying himself on his feet. Ron threw another punch at him, but years of Quidditch had given Viktor master hand-eye coordination. He swiftly ducked under the punch, and grabbed Ron's fist, roughly twisting his hand behind his back. Ron yelped in pain, and kicked Viktor hard in the kneecap. He hit the ground again, this time banging his head. Tears of pain swam in his eyes, and his vision dazed over.

Ron smirked, and turned away. But Viktor never lost a fight. He took Ron by the shin and yanked. Ron landed face first on the floor. When he looked up, a bead of blood was dripping down from his lip. He scowled at Viktor. Viktor shook his head of its dizziness, and stood up. Ron advanced towards him again.

"This is over, Weasley. Back off and I won't hurt you." He said, throwing his hands up.

"This is far from over. You screwed up my relationship, and I promise you, I won't stop until I see you walking out those doors, for good." He shoved Viktor backwards. Viktor decided it was best not to retaliate.

"What do you mean? I did absolutely nothing to mess up your relationship. All I want is a friendship with Hermione." He knew he was lying to himself. Ron laughed, manically.

"Yeah fucking right. I know what you want just as well as you do. So don't pretend like I'm clueless. I may have dumped her, but there's still no way you could ever have her." Viktor's heart leaped. He broke up with her? Why?!

"Why would you dump her?" He asked.

"None of your damn business."

"And what makes you think I couldn't win her over, for curiosity sake?" Ron smirked again.

"Come this Thursday, you're officially a teacher here. Which means any relationship between teacher and student is illegal. So if you try anything with her, and trust me, I'll find out, one word to the Headmistress, and not only will you be fired, but I can get you arrested."

Viktor's heart sank. All this time, he had been so stupid. Of course student/teacher relationships were prohibited. How could he have overseen that?

"You may think you're winning here Weasley, but I promise you, I don't give up on things that easy." He folded his arms across his chest, standing his ground.

"Whatever. I just hope you take my advice. Or don't. I don't bloody well care what happens to you." Ron turned, and walked away. Viktor sighed in worry, nervous for what was to come. But what he didn't see, was Ron doing the exact same thing.


Hermione sat on the stairs, alone, for what seemed like hours. She hugged her knees into her chest, and sat helplessly as tears fell onto her jeans. Whenever she tried to get up, her grief pulled her back down onto her stair.

How could I let this happen? She thought, wiping her eyes yet again with the sleeve of her sweater. Viktor has been here 2 days, and has already lost me my relationship. She cursed herself for her selfishness. She knew that it truly wasn't Viktor's fault; it was all her own.

The Common Room was empty. The only sound Hermione could hear were her stifled sniffs. She waited alone for another little bit, until she heard footsteps echo through the room.

"Ron?!" She said, hopefully. A silhouette came in front of her, and she squinted her eyes to make out who it was.

"Oh, hi Harry." Her best friend's eyes were filled with concern, as he sat down beside her.

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