Chapter 53

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Emily POV

When Charlotte drove in the car she kept talking about Hanna and how she was proposing.


I rang the doorbell, flowers in my hands and the door opened, Hanna grinning ear to ear. "What are you doing here?" I smiled, "bringing my beautiful girlfriend some beautiful flowers for our 6 month anniversary." She squealed and held her arms out, taking them. I cupped her chin with my hand and kissed her lightly. "Thank you Cat," she said and sniffed them, "they're amazing."

"Only the best for my baby." I walked inside and shut the door behind me. Hanna wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me in for kisses after kisses and I could only grin into her lips, "I love you," I whispered and she nodded, "I love you too."

End of Flashback

"Emily? Em," Charlotte snapped her fingers in my face and I jumped, "what? Oh...sorry. I got distracted." She chuckled, "by what?" I smiled and just shook my head, "thanks for the ride. Good luck Char. Seriously. But I call dibs on best man." I patted her chest and got out, walking back into my house. I saw Ally and Stevie on the couch, totally naked and I covered my eyes, "you have 5 seconds to get upstairs before one of you dies. One...TWO!" I heard them sprinting and I just chuckled when I uncovered my eyes and I walked up to my room to shower in the bathroom attached to my room.

Alison POV

"So are you excited?" Spencer asked and I smiled, "very."

"Great! Let's see how this whole birthing thing works. Hit play," Hanna said and we played the birthing video. I smiled when it started and 10 minutes in my jaw was hanging low and so was everyone else's. "Oh my god."

"I have to do that?!" I shouted and Hanna looked at me, "it painful. I mean! You're going to do great!" I glared at my sister and we looked back at the scream, seeing the mother screaming as she started sweating. "She's still having contractions?! Fast forward!" I screamed and Spencer sped it up past another hour. Still contractions. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

The woman was finally ready to give birth and they started. She screamed even louder than before, crying and screaming. I grabbed my stomach, my nerves flipping their shit. "Oh my god..." I said when it was over.

Aria and Spencer looked at me, while Hanna was still staring at the now black screen. I had wide eyes and I never have been this scared in my entire life. "Wow...that" Aria said and I gulped, "how the fuck am I supposed to do that?"

"I don't does something that big fit through not?" Hanna whispered and I shook my head, "I...I gotta go talk to Emily. See you guys," I said and instantly ran out of the house. I drove straight to Emily's and walked in and up to her room. "I can't do it."

I slumped on her bed and she sat up, "what do you mean you can't do it?"

I sniffled, tearing up, "I can't have the baby Emily. We just watched a birthing video! I can't do that! I'm not capable of that! My body can't do that. I-I need to get this thing out of me Em...I can't!" She chuckled and grabbed my hands, "baby relax. Alright? It's okay. Look at me. Hey, look at me." I looked into her eyes and she was smiling gently, cupping my cheeks, "you can do this. I will be by your side that whole time. Never leaving you. You're going to give life to a human Alison. To our child. And I love you so much for that. You can get through it. I promise. Now just breathe Princess."

I breathed, following Emily's breathing. She nodded when I finally relaxed and I hugged her, "thank you..."

"Of course baby."

Charlotte POV

I felt my hands shaking like crazy. "Charlotte...are you okay? You look uneasy," Hanna whispered over the table and I shot my head up, "huh? Oh. Yeah. I'm fine. Sorry."

She smiled and nodded, "okay."

"Are you two ready to order?" The waitress asked and Hanna nodded, "I'll get the classic burger with fries and mixed veggies please. Medium Well."

I grinned at her and said, "And I'll have the Filet Mignon. Medium please with the baked potato and fries." She took our menus and Hanna chuckled, "Potato and fries? Really babe?" I shrugged, "I love my potatoes."

We talked and got our food, eating and when it came time for dessert, Hanna ordered a fruit cup and coffee, and I got ice cream and coffee. I gulped and wiped my forehead, feeling sweat drip down my face and I heard Hanna's melodic laugh fill my ears. "'ve been sweating and shaking all night babe. What's going on?"

I sighed, "Hanna...I uh..." She pulled back from the table and I saw her eyes fill with tears. "You're breaking up with me aren't you...God I knew this would happen. I should've gotten a damned salad-" "No. No no Hanna that's not it at all." I took her hands quickly, smiling gently at her and she wiped her eyes, "then what is it?"

I sighed, this is it Charlotte. You can do this. You've practiced a million times. You got this Drake. I smiled at my girlfriend and said, "you have made me...more than happy in my life and our relationship. And god it has been amazing so far." She nodded, still teary and I held her gorgeous hands in my own. "I love you Hanna Marin. I always have and I promise you that I always will."

I got out of my chair and Hanna's face went to shock, "Charlotte..."

I took the box out and looked up at the beautiful girl. "'re so perfect. I don't care how big or small you are, what size you are or how much you eat because either way you're still Hanna. You're still the girl I love and I will always support you no matter what. I could love you forever. I will love you forever. If you let me. I will wake you up every morning, telling you how beautiful you are and how amazing you are and how much I love you. We will have little feet running around one day and if you let me...I promise to be by your side in sickness and in health so...Hanna Marin...will you marry me?"

I opened the box and she gasped, her hand on her chest and she looked into my eyes, tearing up. "Charlotte...yes. Oh my god yes. Yes I will marry you," She said and my heart did flips. I slid the ring onto her delicate finger and she giggled, pulling me into her for a passionate kiss. Everyone cheered and clapped for us and I leaned my forehead against hers, "I love you."

"And I love you too handsome," she whispered, her hands on my cheeks. She looked at the ring, "so so much. I love you so so much." She kissed me again and I grinned.

I got my girl. Forever.


cute? :)


poor Ali XD

review and comment!

~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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