Buckets and Buckets of Paint

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Midnight struck me as an odd person, I never questioned anything he did because it went with his personality. Like last Thursday when he intentionally set his skate-board on fire, I shrugged it off and went with it. I don't know what it is with that boy but sometimes I feel terrified of his next move but then again, Im making that move right beside him.
    "Hey Jess" smiling at the use of my nickname "Yeah?" he wipes his hands on his black pants "I was wondering if you would I dunno go to an uh art gallery with me?" I stare at him blankly "Why an art gallery?" I smelt trouble and sweat but mostly trouble. "Well my friend is an artist and the art gallery in town just accepted one of his paintings so I thought you would wanna tag along and see it" I laugh at his desperate attempt to get me to go "Hmm I dunno, would you like me to go with you" he nods "Very much" I laugh and begin to walk, motioning him to come along "Alright yeah I'll go" he smiles another one of his rare but adorable smiles and we yet again start another conversation of mind- less chatter.
  "Jessica can I ask you something" "Yeah of course, what is it?" he clears his throat and gives a half smile "Why-why do you hang out with me?" I looked at him puzzled by that question "Well, your interesting" he half smiles and stops walking "Why did we stop here?" my voice straining "This my house" I looked over to see a beautiful white house that was obviously abandoned. Giving him a strange look "Its a house I want to be mine, Its two stories and on the other side theres an amazing view. I stare in awe as he rambles about his dream of own- ing a house. For the first time I think this was me getting a glimpse of how Mid- night really was.
     It was getting late and he walked me down the road, stopping every once in a while to tie my shoes. Eventually I was home, waving goodbye I slip inside letting my back close the door. "So where have you been all day" My mom says while cooking a late snack "Oh you know just out with a friend" "When did Julie get back" my mom asked me with a thrilled voice "Um she hasn't came back its uh its a new friend" she smiles "Oh how fun, whats her name?" I panicked at the thought of even mentioning Midnight to her "Mom its, its a guy" Her smile grows even bigger "and this friend, is he more than a friend" I shake my head "No mid- I mean he is just a friend" I didn't want my parents knowing he went by Midnight simply for the fact that they would laugh or make fun of him about it. "Jessica, I have to say I am proud of you. You made a friend and even if he is a boy Im sure he's just as wonderful as Julie" I smiled at my moms kind words towards Midnight and listen as her slippers scuff the hardwood "Hey mom-" she turns around "Don't worry I won't tell your father" smiling I mouth a thank you and head up towards my room.
    The next day I woke up and did what seemed to be my daily routine. Wake up. Go to the park. Midnight. Wake up. Go to the park. Midnight. I didn't mine I enjoyed everything we did. We could talk about nothing and Id still be captivated by his words and how his hands and face expressed about how he felt about things. I rarely talked because his life and his stories were enough to make anyone speechless.
*Flash Back*
"Midnight, do you ever wonder what it would be like to fly" he raises his head up from his drawling. "Sometimes I often wish I could fly" "Where would you go?" There is a long pause "Somewhere far away from here, somewhere where people wouldn't be so afraid of me, a place where people wouldn't call me a freak" I felt my hand touch his arm "I don't think your a freak" he smiles at me and stares "Ya know your eyes change from blue to green sometimes" his voice almost a whisper. I feel my cheeks heat up as I felt my head leaning in, noticing our lips just inches apart he turns his head.
*Flash Back Ends*

     I silently curse myself for thinking he would kiss me. I pick up my pace when I see the all to familiar black trench coat "Hey Midnight" he turns around and smiles "Hey Jessica" he walks over to our usual bench and after a few moments of awkward silence he finally speaks up "Jess um do you want me to pick you up at
Seven, eight or eight thirty?" I pretend to clear my throat "What?" he wipes his hands on his pants, that must be his nervous tick. "Remember, the art show" "Yeah yeah, I remember. and um eight is fine" he smiles a awkward smile "alright cool" I sat and smiled to my self "Your something else Jessica" I giggle "You too".
I was panicking about trying to find what to where "Okay Jess, you two are go- ing as friends so don't dress up...but your going to an art gallery so dress up?" I paced around the room trying to find something nice and finally decided on a black coat and jeans. I smiled at my selection and went to the bathroom to curl my hair. "MOM!" I yell and listen as the pitter patter of high heels race up the stairs "What!, Are you okay? Whats broken?" I giggle "Nothing I just wanted you to see how I looked" she smiles "Beautiful, this guy is one lucky fellow" I nudge my moms shoulder "were just friends" "well me and your father started out as friends too" suddenly the doorbell rings "Jessica, someones here for you, its a boy"  
     the one time my dads actually home he's here when Midnight comes. I brush myself off and walk down stairs "Hey Jessica" Midnight states as I walk down the stairs "Jess you know Mr.Grey over here" I nod "yes daddy he's my friend" he glares at Midnight, "Whats your name son" Midnight wipes his hands on his pants "Uh Midnight sir" "Midnight, what kind of name is that" I push my dad out of the way "Its his nickname, were going to the art gallery" "I'll have her back by eleven sir" Midnight interrupts. My dad nods and I walk out side, linking my arm with his. "You look beautiful" I smile "and you don't look to bad yourself" he looks at me and playfully shoves me into a bush. "So are we walking?" he laughs "No Jess, Im driving" I stare at him "Oh c'mon Midnight Im not seventeen yet, I wanna live" he laughs "Im eighteen and a safe driver now get your sexy self in my car" I laugh at his comment and open the door, I throw my bag in and slide in. I smile as I see Midnight fix his trench coat and lay his little streak of hair down. Suddenly the door opens and he gets in "So you ready?" I nod and he starts the car. The drive was silent, other than the radio playing and muffled sounds of Midnight sing- ing "Will you sing to me someday" he smirks and glances at me "Someday" I smile and look out the window.

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