Walking the city

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Midnight was a bundle of nerves, and the one thing he hated was the city. From the experience of the art gallery I tried my best to make sure we stayed away from it. I grab his hand for reassurance. "Midnight, you okay?" he smiles and nods "Im fine" He hated crowded rooms and people that talked to loud or acted better than anyone else. So for Midnight to take me into the city of Jersey at night was enough to give anyone a heart attack. As much as I loved the city lights and the way their lives moved so rapidly, I didn't however love some peoples hospitality. Many people  seen Midnight as a "Freak" so the city wasn't so kind to him. "Midnight we didn't have to go this way" the anger was tensing in his face as people made there way by us with looks of disgust. "You said you wanted to go to the new bookstore" I giggle "Yeah but not at ten at night" he was starting to relax "Everything's always better at Midnight Jess" I couldn't help but laugh at his remark. Things were truly blissful, he seemed to be content again.

We walk and talk about silly things and I avoid looking into alleys because of a fear I had as a kid when my dad had been robbed at gun point. "Hey pretty lady" I turned around to see three guys in the middle of the sidewalk holding alcohol. "Just keep walking Jess" Midnight said, his jaw clenched "Where you going" one of the other guys said "Midnight, can we go home. We can watch movies and stuff" he shakes his head "No I said Im taking you to the bookstore and Im not letting a bunch of jerks ruin that for you" I was deciding if I was happy or afraid. "C'mon baby ditch that faggot, you can hang with us and be with a real man" I felt Midnights hand rip apart from mine "Listen here you dip wads the girl isn't interested alright so why don't you all go back to wherever the hell you came from" Midnight was clearly getting angry and I knew that one boy couldn't beat up five drunk men. "Midnight c'mon lets go" I tried so hard to pull him away but he was like a rock and there was no moving him. The guys slowly walk forward "Midnight huh?, you must be lost little boy because around here we beat the lights out of people like you, you know the fag- gots" I watched Midnights hands tighten into a fist and collide with the mans face. Grabbing the mans jaw Midnight began to attack violently before the others jumped in and kicked him to the ground. "You made the wrong choice boy" I felt like he reminded Midnight of his father and thats what made him surrender but
all I know is after they were done they walked away and leaving him there, bleed- ing on the sidewalk.

"Midnight!" I screamed as I seen him leaned over and blood poured from his nose and mouth "C'mon Im getting you home" he puts his arms around me "Jess I wanna take you to the-" "Screw the bookstore your hurt!" I yell and deciding not to protest he just laid there. I pulled out my phone and called my mom, it rang several times before she answered

"Mommy, please come get me, Midnights hurt" I say between sobs and gasps for air "We're, we're in town" I end the call and cradle Midnights head in my arms. "Jessica, Im sorry" he whispers as he tries to wipe the tears from my eyes "No, no don't be sorry its not your fault" I couldn't bare to have him put this on himself, he was trying to protect me.

Thirty minutes later my mom pulled up helping me get Midnight up and into the back- seat, "Should we take him to the hospital?!?" I shake my head "No just take him home with us." Silence rode in the car with us until I began to hear Midnight mumble "Im sorry, Im sorry" I stoked his hair and softly whispered to him "Shhh its okay" "Im sorry Mrs.Jackson" I could see my mom trying her hardest not to
cry at the bloody boy in the backseat but I knew as soon as we got home she'd never forget it.  

  We arrived at the house and I took Midnight to the bathroom and removed his coat and shoes "Midnight, Midnight" he stares at me "Im gonna get you some clothes okay, Ill be right back" he nods and I quickly run to the guest room. I searched high and low for the clothes that Julie's brother had left for when they had to stay the night. Walking back to the bathroom I was slowly breaking in- side, "Okay I brought you some clothes, I don't know if they'll fit there Julie's brother's" I lay the clothes on the counter and clean up his face.

After cleaning him I left him to get dressed, only to hear mumbles of pain, he came out and I led him to the guest room. He stopped and stared into the room before turning and hugging me "Jess, Can I-Can I sleep with you" I nod and hold his hand while walking to my room.

Once in bed he put his arms around me and began humming "Midnight, remember when you said you would sing to me someday" he nods "I remember" "Could you sing to me" he smiles and looks up at the ceiling
"She sits up high, surrounded by the sun
One million branches and she loves every one "Mom and dad, did you search for me?
I've been up here so long I'm going crazy"
And as the sun went down we ended up on the ground I heard the train shake the windows
You screamed over the sound
And as we own this night
I put your body to the test with mine This love was out of control
3-2-1 where did it go?"

I listened quietly as he sang and cried as the beautiful melodies escaped his mouth. He stopped singing and just stared at me "That was beautiful" he laughs and shakes his head "Yeah all right Jess" "Midnight, why did you do that, I mean why did you let those guys beat on you" he looks back to the ceiling "Because I told you Id protect you, your my best friend Jessie."

Midnights words hit me and made me light up like a christmas tree, apart of me hated myself and apart of me just wanted to hold him. So I wrapped my arms around him and I cried "Jess why are you crying?" I shook my head "I don't wanna be the reason your hurt," he cups my face in his hands "Hey, hey Jess shhh, look don't cry, it wasn't your fault" I felt more tears gather in my eyes. I feel him starring at me more sympathetically as he rubs his thumb over my lips before slowly connecting his with mine. Our lips moved in sync as I felt his hands drop and grabbed my hips, I felt myself shift and put my body on top of his. We disconnect our lips and stare into each others eyes "Jess I can't fight it anymore, I need you" I nod and remove his shirt and let him slowly remove mine, my skin being exposed caused goosebumps to rise on my arms. I hear little grunts of pain and moans of passion escape his mouth as I firmly press my lips to his once again.

I feel his fingers trace my waist all the way up to my bra and stop, listening to him fumble with the back I suddenly knew what was about to happen. I quickly pull away and press my hands to his chest. "Midnight, I can't" he sheepishly smiles and nods "Okay Jess, whenever your ready." I fix my shirt and help him with his. This time we didn't feel awkward, we just laid into each others arms and talked about everything, Music that made us feel different, smells that brought back memories and and just how great it was to have found each other "Jess, so theres this fair in town and I kinda wanna take you" I smile and play with his hair "Like a date?" he laughs a little and kisses me softly "Maybe, like a date" I laid in his arms and fell asleep and thinking that his arms was the safest place I could ever be.

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