Fate is Twisted

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(Author's POV)

A crash could be heard throughout the building were Rin was trapped, nails clanging against the hospital-like floors. Blood shed everywhere, someone has strongly upset a very powerful demon. "Rin-Watashi no ai! Where are you?!" Sesshomaru's desperate cries rang throughout the empty bloody halls. Dead bodies lie everywhere, the powerful Lord of the West left no one alive, no mercy for those who have done wrong. Sesshomaru in his very large demon dog form paced the halls, sniffing each door of every hall for his mate's scent. A metal sound behind him caught his attention, he slowly turned as the halls were very tight around him, facing a very pissed off demon. "Who the fuck do you think you are?! Coming into here like you're tough shit!" the demon very angrily pointed a pulsing and glowing purple sword at Sesshomaru.

The anger within the hall grew very rapidly, Sesshomaru transformed back to his human form, the little demon almost dropped his sword in recognition. "I'm not afraid of you, Lord Sesshomaru" the little demon threw his sword towards Sesshomaru, piercing through his mokomoko. "You're a fool" Sesshomaru's anger got the best of him as he grabbed the sword and ripped it out of his demonic tail tossing it to the ground. The pip-squeak of a demon yelped looking at Sesshomaru fast approaching, long green glowing whips appeared from near the demon lord's fingertips. Cracked lines appeared upon the ground where the whips touched, "I'm done with this shit, give me my mate!" Sesshomaru screamed holding two fingers in the air ready to strike the tiny demon. "Wait Wait Wait Wait I can take you to her" the tiny demon cried out holding his hands above his head in defense.

An Hour of Walking Later

"She should be in there.." the tiny demon shrieked out and sat kneeling outside the door. Sesshomaru could smell the blood of his mate, crashing through the door he was horribly greeted with the dying image of his mate, blood all over the bed she had been placed upon, the growing bump within her was missing. "Rin, oh god Rin.." he knelt beside her putting his crescent moon-adorning forehead upon her hand that he lightly grabs. She stirs very lightly with eyes that have been tear soaked for a while after the horrible deed. "S..Sesshomaru-Sama" she says very very weakly rolling her head to the side her love was kneeling at. "Rin, I didn't get to you in time..." a single tear ran down Sesshomaru's face, his bangs hiding his eyes from view, showing weakness was disappointing to come from the great lord. "I'm a failure to my family.." he said quietly. "Sessh.. they took our pup" Rin said holding back tears as his heart stopped, he moved the sheet they had placed over her middle half to see that they had indeed cut his heir right out of his mate.

Lightly sliding his arms under his dying mate, Sesshomaru lifts her up gently cradling her to his chest, walking out of the room swiftly and quickly grabbing the tiny demon from his sitting position next to the door by his collar. "Hey what do you think you're doing, put me down!" the poor creature screeched in fear, "You're going to take me to your boss, he has the heir to the Western Lands" Sesshomaru said in a growling voice, holding Rin close before he exited out of the bloody mess that he had

Western Palace

Inu no tashio sensed his son's arrival and was about to greet him but soon realized and smelled the blood and soon death of his son's mate. Taking off into the air soon meeting in the air with a very ruined Sesshomaru cradling a dying Rin, "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Inu no tashio panicked and screamed into the very cold darkened air. "I've failed as a Mate, a Father, and a Lord" Sesshomaru said trying to move around his father to place Rin down somewhere warm and comfortable. "Hold on Rin, Please don't die..."

Why do you hate me? When I love you. (Sesshomaru X Rin Series of Fanfict)Where stories live. Discover now