The Demon Lord

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"Rin, my beloved wake up" Sesshomaru said holding Rin's small hand in his own larger clawed hand as he leaned over her placing a chaste kiss on her cheek he felt her stir in her sleep. "Anata.. I don't feel good..." her chocolate brown eyes opened even if they were puffy from crying. "I won't be back for a while my love.. stay with ChiChiue and the half breed" he placed a kiss on her hand and once again on her lips as he watched her fall into a deep sleep once more. He stood as his heart broke leaving his beloved young mate he had to find his pup, it had been less than 2 days and Rin wouldn't eat or speak often only cry as she lay in bed. 

The Eastern Lands

"It's a tough pup even for being ripped from it's mother so early" a man said holding the small child as it's eyes began to open, the man was greeted as he stared into piercing amber eyes, the pups tiny fangs poking out slightly from its mouth as it began to cry in hunger. "You'll be the worlds greatest weapon, just you wait" the man said handing the pup off to be fed by a wet nurse that stood off to the side as he was interacting with the small pup that was placed in a made up bed in the center of the room.

"Hush now wee one" the woman said placing her breast to the pup's mouth only to have the pup reject her breast knowing it was not his mother. "The pup is going to starve to death if we don't give it back to it's mother!" the woman cried out in terror for the poor pup that was less than a week old. "Lord Sesshomaru will pay for killing Ruka and Lady Inukimi, let the thing starve for all I care at this point"the man said before walking out of the room leaving the wet nurse to weep for the small defenseless pup. "I'll get you back to your chichiue.." she said wrapping the infant in her kimono before successfully hiding the pup's scent and making her way out of the building with it.

In The Forest 

How could I let this happen.. I couldn't even protect my own Mate. Sesshomaru walked while accompanied by only his thoughts, pausing suddenly as he smelled blood and something else.. he took off in a ball of light before landing to see a woman laying on the ground bleeding out cradling a small hanyou in her arms. Piercing amber eyes met piercing amber eyes, recognition hit him hard as he kneeled before the woman and plucked his pup from her grasp. Anger filled his senses as he looked down at the dying woman, "Why have you taken my pup!" he yelled his voice lacing with anger as he glared down at her while placing his pup in his arms carefully avoiding the spikes of his armor. Before he could get an answer from her she bled out..


Sesshomaru's approach to his gates was short lived as Inuyasha and Inu no tashio walked to meet him only to be shoved aside and both wincing from the piercing wails of the hungry pup in Sesshomaru's arms. "Shut it up!" Inuyasha yelled his ears flat against his head as he winced in pain, only receiving a glare from Sesshomaru as he made his way inside. Rin stirred in her sleep before shooting up as the wails got louder and closer to the chamber she shared with her mate. "Sesshomaru!" she yelled in pain and shock as he walked into the room and placed the pup in her arms as she automatically ripped open the top of her kimono and offered her breast to the pup who greedily took it as it was the first feeding it had since birth.

Rin began to sob as Sesshomaru pulled her closer, holding her to him in his embrace as they sat listening to the pup eating. "What do you think it is Sesshomaru-Sama?" she asked looking up at him before she noticed his clawed finger pulling the pup's legs apart to reveal that it was a.. boy. "Anata, we have a son" he said grasping her chin before pulling her into a kiss as amber eyes looked at them from below as he suckled hungrily.  

Why do you hate me? When I love you. (Sesshomaru X Rin Series of Fanfict)Where stories live. Discover now