"Jay, come on you're going to be late!"
Was the first thing I heard on that terrible morning. Today was the last day of school, sweaty middle school students would be streaming through the halls gawking at their report cards, while they whooped and cheered.
But I would not.
Today marked the beginning of summer, and the beginning of summer meant making one of the hardest decisions of my life.
"Jay, don't make me come up there and drag you out of bed myself!"
To avoid being painfully wrenched from my bed, I slowly emerged from under my blankets and lumbered towards the door to my bathroom, still stiff-legged from sleep.
With a tremendous effort I managed to turn the small shiny nob of my shower. Hot steamy water trickled out of the shower head hitting the shower floor like a miniature rain storm. I must have looked like a drunken sloth while getting in my shower I was going so slow.
Energy flowed through me as the hot water hit my back, like a car filling up on gas, I slowly opened my eyes a bit more each second until finally I could clean myself properly.
Thanks to the shower, it was all up-hill from there. I brushed my teeth making sure to remember my dentist's tips on reaching the gum line and brushing my tongue.
After that I picked a suitable outfit, casual, but not to casual, I think you get the drift.
But as soon as I got downstairs it felt as if a colossal monster had crushed my good vibe with its oversized foot, because waiting for me in our tiny little kitchen was a big pancake, a scrambled egg, and a large plate of bacon.
Now I know what you're thinking "Jay why aren't you like...super thrilled man?" Well it's just the fact that my mom never does this kind of thing, and of course she picks the one day I don't have a good appetite to make me some 5 course meal. But I did eat the bacon and a fraction of the pancake, because it was pretty good.
"Jay I packed your lunch and put it in your backpack, have a good last day." Was the only thing my mom said to me before she went back to catering to little Josiah, besides the little kiss she planted on my forehead, which I'd rather not talk about.
Now it was just my everyday school routine, walk to school, get inside as soon as possible and don't be late to homeroom.

Good Enough
General FictionJay Ezra is your average every day teenage boy, except for one little thing, his parents are divorced. Jay's parents are currently fighting for custody, but the outcome is something Jay is not looking forward to, and if there one thing Jay hopes, it...