The impossible had finally been done. After 3 packets, 25 minutes of scraping off 'crust', and a quick pop spelling quiz, I made it to the end of the day. To me, the end bell sounded like angels from heaven, welcoming me to paradise. I rushed from Mrs. Tierany's ELA class to my locker as well as every other Paxton Middle School student. I never thought that I'd go deaf at school, but at 3:00 that day, I was pretty darn close to it. Screams, cries, and whoops echoed through the dusty halls as we all stared down at our grades which unfortunately went down the drain. I don't think I'd ever been so happy in my life, but when I burst through the heavy doors of my school, the oversized beast that has looked over me like a shadow all day once again stomped on all my happiness, because outside was my dad, and he didn't look to thrilled to be there, and I know that today would be the day that mom and him would battle for custody over Josiah and I.
So I'm sure you're all probably like "Jay wait, what do you mean custody, are your parents divorced?"
Yea. It's been like that since sixth grade. Fights and lawyers while mom and dad tried to get me and Josiah. My dad just moved to a new town called Cansterville, but according to my friends, the school district there is terrible.
So I'm sure you can tell that I'm hoping my mom wins this battle, because I'd rather go to Paxton High School than some horrible school in Cansterville.
"Hey, Dad..."
"Hey, Jay."
Not even a "How was your last day?"
"What are you doing here...I thought mom wou-"
"Well there has been a change of plans, Jay, please stop asking questions and get in the car."
Apparently I'd asked to many 'questions' so we had to sit the rest of the ride to the courthouse in silence. But when we got out of the car. I knew that it was time, and I might just go insane.

Good Enough
Ficción GeneralJay Ezra is your average every day teenage boy, except for one little thing, his parents are divorced. Jay's parents are currently fighting for custody, but the outcome is something Jay is not looking forward to, and if there one thing Jay hopes, it...