I barely managed to get to homeroom, but when I did I remembered the reason why I haven't attempted to drop out of school,
She was beautiful.
Ok so now you're probably thinking "Ew Jay, you're gross!" But she is amazing. The only problem is, I don't think she knows my name.
But that's gonna change today.
If this is the last day of middle school ever, I want to make it really stand out. So when I got to homeroom, instead of sitting in my dusty little seat in the corner, I walked right up to Vanessa and smiled, or I thought I smiled, because I'm pretty sure the end result looked like a cross between a T-Rex, and a piranha. But she smiled back anyway.
"Hey Jay,"
Well that was it, my face went numb and everything shut down, I looked at her dumbfounded untold I finally blurted out,
"You look nice today."
Oh lord, this may have been one of the worst moments of my life...
Yet Vanessa blushed and smiled again, giggling a bit this time.
"Thanks, Jay."
There it was again. Jay. My name, Vanessa knew my name. The name of the boy whose parents are divorced. And once again, the oversized monster stomped out the little flame of cheer in my heart.
I smiled halfheartedly at Vanessa once more before moping back to my crummy seat in the corner. But it was worth it, because Vanessa Grace knew my name.

Good Enough
Ficción GeneralJay Ezra is your average every day teenage boy, except for one little thing, his parents are divorced. Jay's parents are currently fighting for custody, but the outcome is something Jay is not looking forward to, and if there one thing Jay hopes, it...