My dad drove to his house in Cansterville, and like I predicted, his house was littered with can's and bottles of beer. I didn't say anything, but I knew that my summer was going to be a bust. My dad didn't seem to worry about the empty containers of alcoholic beverages spread across the floor, he just walked around casually like he did this everyday. "So, it's been a while."
His words were a little slurred, but it didn't phase me, but what did were the words coming out of his mouth. It had been a while, and it was his fault to... "Do I get a room?" I asked.
"Upstairs, first left."
Well upstairs and to the left was a tiny little room that smelled like mold and expired milk, and a rough bed with a few thin, itchy sheets.
My circumstances were pretty bad, and without my mom, who was probably making some Kraft macaroni for Josiah right now, I was a goner.
If I remember correctly, my dad is a terrible cook, but add a little alcohol and I'll be lucky if the house doesn't burn down.
"Ey, Jay, some girl is heretacya'..." My dad yelled, his words blending together.
I walked downstairs to see some girl with a flyer for a Cansterville carnival standing in our front doorway, except this girl was Vanessa Grace.

Good Enough
Ficción GeneralJay Ezra is your average every day teenage boy, except for one little thing, his parents are divorced. Jay's parents are currently fighting for custody, but the outcome is something Jay is not looking forward to, and if there one thing Jay hopes, it...