Chapter 5:: I go to boarding school with the President's son

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Tommy approached them, walking up to Tara and Jesse who were both clothed in sports attire. Tara cheeks were flooded with red and she was dusting herself off, as was Jesse. Tommy looked at Jesse, frowned, and tossed him his blackberry.

"Dude, why did you unplug my phone? It's fucking dead."

At this Tara squealed loudly and pulled out her phone. "Oh shoot! I have to go shower, meet up with Christy, AND eat before the meeting." Waving bye distractedly, she ran off in the direction of the girls dormitory. Tommy watched her run, taking in the view of her tan, muscular legs and thin curved waist that was clear even though she was wearing a t-shirt. Jesse walked over to Tommy and snapped him out of his reverie by saying, "So, we should probably head back to the dorms." He shoved him and Tommy gave him a disparaging look and started walking back to their dorm.

They both quickly rushed getting ready and with few words, ran off to the cafeteria for breakfast.

When they arrived, neither Tara nor Christy was in sight. They got in line to get their food. Tommy observed that although he and Jesse were not friends, they did seem to spend a good bit of time together. After they got their lunch trays, Jesse made a beeline for the table at which Henry, Grace, and another guy and girl were eating at.

Jesse sat down on the black stool attached to the round table. The school sure did do themselves well he thought as he looked around the cafeteria. At one end were two drink machines with stacks of glasses beside them. On the opposite side of the room, was a line for hot lunches. Along the right hand wall were a few vending machines and the bathroom entrances. The ceiling had skylights placed every few feet, so that light shined in on them, and the glass metal hallway that connected the cafeteria to the library and cafe was closed. The entire room was themed with an rainbow garden manner with bright colors on the wall and a salad, sushi, and desert bar. There was a sign on the wall proudly saying that the school only used organic vegetables. As he was looking at the room, he noticed Tara and Christy come in to the room.

Tommy noticed Jesse heading towards Henry's table and began to head in that direction when he was pulled away by a blonde haired girl. Casey dragged him to her table which was filled with several mini-clones each with their own confused consort. Tommy frowned and said, "What do you think you're doing, dragging me places?" Casey looked at him, her brown eyes grew large at the impllied rejection. "What do you mean, don't you want to eat with us, she said gesturing at the table." Tommy opened his mouth to reject her again, but wanting to earn and keep his status as the school player, he sat down at the only available seat. He looked over at Casey, who was still standing. "Oh sorry, looks like I got the la--" He began, his sentence interrupted by Casey practically jumping into his lap. The mental part of him was completely disgusted, but his physical body was somewhat pleased. After all the girl did have a rocking body. He had also noticed Tara and Christy walking into the room, and after the episode this morning, did not feel inclined to talk to Tara.

As Tara walked into the cafeteria with Christy, both of them without make-up and hastily dressed. She noticed Jesse laughing with a few people at a table containing both Henry and Grace. She scanned the room for Tommy, her heart rate involuntarily picking up at the thought of the chiseled features and dark hair. She shook her head and continued to look through the room when she caught sight of someone who resembled Tommy very much. But Casey was sitting in the guy's lap. God. What a skank. She stared at the figure, and Christy noticed.

"Hey what are you loo--Woah." said Christy as she followed Tara's eyes to the sight. "God, second day here, and the girl is already playing her skank games." Tara giggled and said, "Yeah, let's get our food though. They finished getting their food and looked for a place to eat. Jesse, noticing them, started waving fervently, and pointing at his table. Laughing, they walked over to the table.

After they reached the table, introductions were made. Henry had brought his roommate Jack, and Grace had brought a friend, Taylor. AFter they had situated themselves and everyone began to enjoy their breakfast, Tara leaned towards Jesse and asked, "So what's up with Tommy and Casey?" Jesse responded by whipping his head around to discover this grotesque sight. He frowned deeply. Stiffly, he responded, "I really don't know." Tara cocked her head to the side and decided to drop it. They both returned to the conversation everyone was having about school teams and what they were.

With breakfast finished, everyone filed out of the cafeteria towards the outdoor stadium for their briefing. Jesse said to everyone, "Gimme a minute, I'll catch up." He turned around and jogged towards the cafeteria. He walked into the empty cafeteria towards the niche in which the bathrooms were located and leaned against the wall, waiting for someone.

After Casey had applied another layer of lipgloss, the original being removed by her food, she checked herself in the mirror. Looking good, she told herself. I see too much, she thought. She sighed and walked out of the bathroom right into...Jesse.

"I need to talk to you," he said, glaring at her. She pretended to be annoyed.

"Jesse, we need to get to assembly, why couldn't you just talk to me at breakfast." she answered.

Jesse's eyes turned even angrier. "First, I don't approach sluts who sit in other guy laps to talk to them about what I need to talk to you about--in fact I try not to approach sluts in general." Casey felt a sore pain inside of herself. Be strong, she thought. Pretend you don't care.

"Well, if you needed to talk to me just to insult me, I'm going to leave. Send me hate mail so you can vent and I can delete, kay?" she said, turning to leave.

The anger faded a little in Jesse's eyes, "No, wait, Casey I came to do practically the opposite of insult you okay, just hear me out!" Casey turned around, surprised. She hadn't thought Jesse was like that.

I guess he isn't the sweet boy I thought he was.

"Look, I'm not that cheap, okay." she said. Jesse looked hurt and angry, "Look, I'm trying to help you, not take advantage of you. Why do you act like this? Why is your hair BLONDE? Why are your skirts so short. I know you aren't like this. What happened?"

Casey shrunk. He knew the real her. He'd always known her, and honestly she had no reply for him because she didn't know. She opened her mouth to explain, but her phone started ringing loudly. It was a notice for the assembly which was...NOW. Much dampered, she said, "Yeah, Jesse I don't really know. Let's just talk later after assembly..please. We're late." She sounded like her real self again.

Jesse nodded his head in assent, and they both headed towards the assembly....


sorry sorry sorry!!! I know I haven't updated in FOREVER, but I've been busy! Sorry!!

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