Ep. 1 - Riley Tyler Willa (Part I)

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Season 1 Ep. 1 – Riley Tyler Willa (Part I)

I've decided to kick off the season with the character I created. Remember to ask or dare anything, as well as fill in an OC form!!

My name is Riley Willa, and I study at Yancy Academy for troubled kids. I am a troubled kid, no doubt about that. Not only am I lactose intolerant, but also ADHD. Basically, I'm a total nerd.

I literally can't sit still for a minute, unless I'm reading. I love reading, it's the only thing that keeps me calm when being picked on by the school's biggest bully, Nancy Bobofit and her frizzy flaming hair.

Nancy boasts everyday about how she chased some guy called Percy Jackson out of the school. In fact, she got him to blow his top, which got him expelled. Then, Percy Jackson became a wanted criminal when he was only 12 years old. That's what Nancy hangs over our heads; She could ruin our life.

Well, that was 6 years ago. Now, we're 18 years old, practically adults, yet Nancy never seems to grow up. Wherever this Percy Jackson is now, I bet he's hating life.

So, I stay out of her way. But usually, trouble comes to me.

"Sup, loser," Sure enough, someone shoved me from behind, making me drop the textbooks in my arms. I didn't have to be a genius to know that it was the red-headed nightmare.

I groaned inwardly, Yay Riley, get ready for another day of bullying. Turning around, I was faced with Nancy Bobofit, flanked by her minions.

Today, the queen bee was dressed in a white crop top, and the shortest mini skirt in the world. Her face looked like Sephora had exploded on it, and her feet were in painful heels. Beside her, I looked like some sort of troll.

That's the worst thing about Nancy. She makes you feel worthless just by being in her presence. It's horrible. I was wearing my usual. Track pants, hoodie, and converse. What's wrong with that?

Apparently, Nancy just hated me, for absolutely no reason. Bending down, I shot a glare at Nancy before picking up my books and rushing to Chemistry, trying to ignore the peals of laughter behind me.


"Good morning class, today, we are accepting two new students into the school. Please make them feel welcome." Mrs Trunt announced once everyone was seated. Glancing at the snickering Nancy and her hot boyfriend, Jared, along with their minions, I highly doubted that. The poor new students would be sent running for their lives.

Mrs Trunt cleared her throat for silence, "Be quiet! Please, make them feel welcome." A blonde girl walked in, her hair rustling in the non-existent wind. Gasps and wolf-whistles could be heard. Just about every boy was drooling at her feet, while the other girls shot daggers at her.

Even a poor fashionista like me could tell; She was drop-dead gorgeous. Literally. Although the girl was wearing a jacket with jeans and converse, she pulled it off with a flourish. The most startling thing about her were her stormy grey eyes, so calculating and analyzing that they made me freeze in place.

Her eyes landed on me, sitting alone, and a smile tugged at her lips. Immediately, I changed my mind; she obviously was one of the popular girls in her old school, and would be one here now, made to torment me.

"This is Annabeth Chase. Who would like to show her around the school?" Mrs Trunt asked. Before she could even finish her sentence, Jack, one of the players and badboys, stood up, "Of course I will. Who could say no to a beauty like this?" Jack gestured to Annabeth. I expected her to start making out with him, but instead, she glared at him. Man, her glare is scary.

The blonde-haired girl retorted, "As long as you keep your hands to yourself." Jack wiggled his eyebrows, "Oh, playing hard-to-get huh!"

Staring at him furiously, Annabeth rolled her eyes, "In your dreams, jerk." With that, she held her head high, and walked to the only empty seat, which was – Oh, great – next to mine. But maybe it won't be so bad? Annabeth seemed like a pretty cool person. Maybe I had judged her too early.

Mrs Trunt raised her eyebrows at the happenings, but did not interrupt, something which had made her my favorite teacher at the start of the school year. Tapping her foot for silence, Mrs Trunt continued, "We have another student transferring in. His name is Perseus Jackson."

At the name, gasps could be heard all round. No way, this is the infamous Percy Jackson whom Nancy is always talking about. No way! I'm going to meet him! Nancy pushed her chair back noisily, declaring, "Now, class, Percy Jackson is a scrawny kid, all bones no skin. He's incredibly ugly and an imbecile. Trust me, ya'll are going to hate him. He's probably a master criminal by now. Don't want to mix with the wrong kind."

Cheers and hoots of agreement came from what we loners, including me, call the Popular Table. Lucky for Nancy, Mrs Trunt was young and understood what it was like for us. She just shook her head, "Detention for you, Ms Bobofit. And now, we shall see this scrawny Percy Jackson." Beside me, I caught Annabeth hiding a smile.

A boy walked in, and I died. Like seriously, I died. To be fair, just about every single female in the class, except for Mrs Trunt, died. How? From an overdose of hotness. I had thought that Annabeth was beautiful, but this guy was hotter than she was pretty.

This could not be the Percy Jackson that Nancy talks about.

This guy could have been a male model. He had messy raven black hair, with the I-just-got-out-of-bed-and-I-just-happen-to-look-this-awesome look. His shirt clung to his body, showing off his rippling muscles and six-pack. The boy had scars decorating his biceps, but that only made him look so much hotter. His eyes were a mesmerising sea-green.

Oh man, another jock. Sure enough, the boy ran a hand through his hair, and awkwardly sat down at the Popular Table. Jared and Jack immediately began to converse with him in hushed whispers, while Percy just nodded along. Nancy was staring unabashedly, open-mouthed at him, trying to take in the sight before her.

"Great, another jock to torture me," I muttered under my breath. Annabeth appeared to have heard me. Earlier her head had been put lower, her blonde curls shielding her face on both sides. I thought that she did not want to talk to me.

Annabeth grinned, "I suppose so." Well, at least she seemed nice. But looks can be deceiving. Treading carefully, I asked, "So, why did you transfer here?" Annabeth replied, "Well...I used to live in California, but I moved to New York recently. Yancy is the closest school."

"Why did you move to New York? Did your parents force you to move?" I questioned curiously. I knew that that was the wrong question to ask. Annabeth's eyes hardened, and her shields went up.

She shrugged, but I knew better, "They're, you know, like any other family." Raising an eyebrow, I knew she was lying, but I decided to just let it go. Apart from her family Annabeth was very comfortable to talk to about anything and everything. Turns out that she was like me, a subject of bullying.

Finally, we came to an unavoidable topic. "So, what do you think about that new jock?" Annabeth pursed her lips, but she seemed to be hiding a chuckle, "Oh, you know, I don't really care for these kinds of relationships. They're a waste of time, and distracts me from my studies."

Wow, is she serious? Apparently. By the end of the Chemistry lesson, I found out that Annabeth was a straight A student, and had gotten nothing below a B before in her life. I was shocked, She has got to tuition me.

Ring!!! Finally, to end our lesson, the bell rang, and I left with Annabeth, chatting, on our way to Biology. Maybe I had gained a new friend. Maybe, this year might not be so bad. Of course, with a new jock in school, I highly doubt it.

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