Chapter 13: Let's Clear Things Up.

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(Yeah, it's definitely not 1 o'clock here and I'm sick, but I really needed to update since I haven't in soooo long. I hope you guys have been having a great life and please, enjoy this chapter and comment your thoughts. Thank you! I recommend listening to a sad guitar song when reading this. It helps develop the feeling.) 

[3rd Point of View]

"Our relationship is really confusing," Dan blurts out one day, gazing up at the ceiling, when him and (Name) are sitting down on the floor, research papers spread out in front of them like a buffet of knowledge. 

She raises an eyebrow, because well, she kind of thought they had already established that way back when, but apparently the subject needed more discussing. 

"I know," she says bluntly, like she did in her head, and she's surprised when he pulls his head up to look a her with a frown, and not his usual boyish smile that makes her heart stop. Her eyebrow quirks again, higher this time, and he huffs out in irritation before standing up and running a hand down his face. He looks tired, she notices, dark bags becoming more prominent under his eyes the more she stares. (Name) sits the paper she had been looking at down by her knee, staring up at him with concerned eyes when he looks off in the distance with a conflicted expression. Is he okay? 

"(Name)...we don't even know each other," her face drops, jaw going slack when he continues, "all you think is that I'm cute! That's...that's not what I want. I want real feelings! Like, you know how much sugar I like in my coffee, or what side of the bed I sleep on! I want that. Not...ugh...I don't want this, (Name)."

Guess not.

She gapes up at him, not believing what she's hearing because she doesn't recall being the one to kiss him first, without any knowledge of the other or permission, for that matter. He had started this, not her. She had the right to be yelling like this, not him, because last time she remembered, he was the one to break her heart. Not the other way around. She pushes those words down her throat and opts for more time saving ones.  

"What are you saying, Dan?"

He looks at her quizzically, like she's an idiot and how could she possibly ask that, before his face goes soft and his eyes dull down as he glances away from her figure on the floor. He really can't stand that look in her eyes. Or the way her hair frames her face when she has it up. 

"Nothing, it's nothing. Don't worry about it," and he's back with a beaming smile because he'll just push it down for later when he's alone. But (Name) sees straight through it, how it doesn't quite meet his eyes and she stands up to move in front of him, side stepping the pile of papers in favor to look into his hazelnut eyes. She feels her face drop into a frown.

"Dan, stop lying, and tell me the truth because we really don't have time for this." 

She thinks she's never seen that look on his face, honestly, because his eyes droop so low and he falls straight into her chest, hands coming up to grip at her shoulders as he slouches to reach her height. (Name) feels his fingers grasp at the material and he whimpers.

"I think that we should end this, whatever this even is," he bites out, eyes closing, sighing into her shirt, "and get to know each other better so that I can stop hurting you. So we can answer people when they ask us questions about our relationship."

He lifts his head up to look back into (Name)'s eyes and he notes they're a different color today than usual, pretty nonetheless, "so we can go on dates and know what to order one another. I just need some...time, to adjust."

He's surprised when she manually lifts his hands up from her shoulders and holds them for a second before letting them go, smiling idly up at him and he feels his heart beat speed up for reasons he's not sure of.

"Okay, Dan."

He doesn't know what to say to that because he expected yelling, throwing things and her wanting to end all relations with him but instead he gets a smile and he doesn't deserve it. He's put her through so much to get a smile after all of it. She notices his dumbfounded expression moments later, her eyes squinting as her mouth opens in a laugh that makes his stomach well up with butterflies.

And sure, she really shouldn't be laughing but she can't help it because he's just too cute sometimes. He's even more confused now than he ever thought possible.

"Haha, ohmygosh, Dan, it's completely okay," she breathes out with a wide grin that has him doubting his existence, "I don't want you being unhappy. And I wouldn't mind you knowing more things about me, too. Let's just work on it, okay?"

Can he really deny her, though, when she's smiling up at him like that? He doesn't deserve to know a girl like (Name), and he certainly doesn't deserve the hours of conversation after they settle down back onto her floor and sort through the papers that were due tomorrow

(Name) makes sure they learn a few things about one another, slowly, share laughs and smiles, albeit holding back the urge to tell him everything she loves about him because no, he was wrong, she doesn't just think he's cute. She thinks he's everything. And one day she'll tell him that, but right now, he only needs to know her favorite color and how she likes her coffee. 

(Hope you enjoyed the update! I was super emotional writing this for some reason, probably the music and the fact every second I sneezed, but anyway, thanks for reading and please comment! Lots of Love!)

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