Chapter 15

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Your P.O.V.

Flashback: 15 years old you 😆

A knock on the door suddenly interrupts my train of thoughts, making me jump from my bed. I put down my book and I quickly said, "It's open!"

My best friend, Scarlett (A/N I was watching Minions, okay? 😆), comes in with an expression that I can't really explain.

"Yo, Wassup?" I said, sitting properly against the headboard. She sat at the end of my bed and heaved out a heavy sigh. This is weird.

"Dude. Are you okay?" I scoot closer to her.

"Y/N. Are you telling me everything? As in. Everything? No secrets?" She asked.

"Why are you asking me this?" I take off my glasses and put it on my nightstand.

"Just answer me first." She pleaded finally looking at me. I can't lie, right? She'll see right through me.

"Everybody has secrets, Scar." I started. "Even the most open person you would know has secrets deep inside them. We have secrets because we just don't have the courage to tell someone else."

"Really?" She asked, really indulged with this topic. Why is she asking these questions?

"Yeah and sometimes people don't want to get hurt and are afraid to what other people would think so they tend to keep it themselves." I answered. "And the real question here is why are people so close minded? Don't they know that someone out there is hurting because of their poor judgement? Someone is scared because that person would rather be so stupid and they-"

"I know you're gay, Y/N."

"-would judge some peo-" I paused. "-Wait. What?"

"Bitch. You want me to say it again for you?" She sassed while slapping the back of my head.

"But how did you know? I tried to hide it and-" I started to ramble but she pinched my leg.

"You talk in your sleep, jerk face." She laughed.

"I don't." I denied, crossing my arms.

"I'm so gay for Judy. Suzanne has a nice ass." She mimicked me and I flushed in embarrassment. I slapped her and muttered, "I don't sound like that."

"Fuck me, Angie!" She took of running around the room,making me chase after her. "Come back her you, bitch."

"You could call me daddy anytime, baby girl." She roared, making me pick up my pace and finally pin her down. We fell really hard, her groaning in pain and me growling in anger.

"I, for one, know that I didn't say that." I said and she just laughed at me.

"I know. I just want a reaction from you." She sat up and so did I.

"So." I decided to speak up. "You accept me?"

She punched my gut and said, "Just because you eat out, doesn't mean I would hate you forever."

"SCAR!" I laughed and she joined in. Months after months of self preparation for this moment and this goes well unexpectedly. Who knew?

She suddenly changes her expression into a serious one and I never like it whenever that happens because it just implies I can't joke around or else I'll end up being hurt badly.

"When are you gonna tell everyone?" She asked and this one made my heart go straight down my stomach. Fuck. I should have seen this coming. Well. I did but not this soon.

"I don't know. I don't think I'll ever be ready." I whispered as I put my head down.

She put her hand under my chin and made me look at her. "It's okay to be afraid. Whatever you do, I'm proud of you." She smiled.

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