Chapter 1

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The sound of clashing of swords and the shocks of magic rang through the arena. It was training week for those guard and wizard interns that passed their test, and most of them were getting stronger and stronger with each training day. Gloss found it quite amusing to see Link get beaten by one of his top ten students.

"Blasted!" He yelled as he slouched next to Gloss to rest. "You don't mess around when you teach the guards. They're much better than on the first day."

"I don't take the Kingdom's safety lightly, Link," she replied while laughing at his weariness. "You should know this better."

The elf just let out a large breath through his mouth and waved Gloss off. Gloss merely laughed as she got up to battle the new guards. She stepped up to the center, and the first person who wanted to battle her was a female wizard. Of course, since Gloss had magic, she was able to train the wizard interns, too.

The young wizard had milky-white skin, with dark brown eyes, long and orange hair in waves, and her outfit was the same as all the other wizard interns: a white, button-up shirt with black pants and brown boots.

"I see you're up for a challenge?"Gloss said.

"Any day now," the wizard replied. "I'm gonna be as strong as Madam Zelda! Maybe even like you, Your Grace!"

"Oh, please. Just call me Gloss. What's you name?" 

The wizard smiled. "Okay, Gloss. My name is Lana." She raised her wand at the angel. "Now, shall we start?"

Gloss chuckled and raised her hand. "Say. That's my line!"

The match started. Everyone around them stopped their own fights because the fight between Lana and Gloss was so intense. Lana was a strong magic wielder, and Gloss felt herself becoming tired. 

"Getting tired already?"  Lana asked.

"Somewhat," Gloss replied while catching her breath. "It's either that, or it's me still getting over my wounds. Probably the first one."

Just as the young angel was about to get back into position, Lana tried to hit her with a freeze ray. Not realizing Gloss's reflexes, her eyes widened as the angel both dodged the attack swiftly and even make the attack under her control. Lana just barely noticed the smirk that formed on her mentor's face.

"Heh," she said. "Nice try."

Within seconds, Gloss turned the freeze ray towards her opponent and captured her entire body in ice. Everything except her face was encased in the frozen prison. The young wizard was in awe as she turned her head slightly took look around her.

Gloss gave her a smirk with her brows curving upwards. She slowly unfroze the ice with a wave of her hand, and Lana fell to her knees in defeat. She looked up at Gloss as the entire arena went wild with cheers and whistles.

"Wow...." Lana breathed. "You're so strong!"

"I am an Elemental Angel for a reason, I guess," she replied while helping the girl to her feet. "But with your power, I'm sure you can be stronger. I'm sure you'll be stronger than Zelda someday."

The wizard blinked with shock at the angel's words. "You really mean it?"

"Of course I do," Gloss chuckled. "An angel never lies for no reason."

Unexpectedly, Lana hugged Gloss tightly. As quickly as she did so, she also swiftly pulled away from her. She looked as if she was guilty of a crime when she was merely hugging someone.

"Why did you let go?" 

"I-I-I can't hug an angel," Lana said. "I heard it was disrespectful...."

"Lana...." Gloss said. "It's not disrespectful to hug an angel out of pure joy." She wrapped her arms around the wizard. "In fact, we love giving hugs."

With tears of joy in her eyes, Lana embraced Gloss. Gloss rubbed the back of her head and slowly pulled back. 

"T-thank you," Lana sniffled. "I'll be sure to remember that."

And with that, the little wizard walked towards her colleagues with great joy. Gloss chuckled at her cherry mood. She hasn't seen someone that happy over someone saying they're strong in years.

"Lana is such a dear," Zelda's voice then came form behind.

"She sure is," Gloss agreed while turning to her friend. "How have I never noticed her before? Surely you would've boasted about her, or at least mentioned her name."

"You were just so busy in those years," she replied. "I didn't want to just speak of a single student unless I knew you had time to spare. Because of how much Lana has done in the past, it would've taken an entire two hours to speak of the amazing things she's done."

"Is she powerful enough to cast Dark Magic?" A familiar voice interrupted.

Gloss and Zelda looked over to the person, shocked by their question.


A/N: PHEW! That took a while. I just read Coora360's newest book she put out, and her publishing a new book while she's so busy just made me realize "Okay Sherry. No more procrastinating and being a Sans" (References). So I hope you guys are excited about this new book. I know I am. Quoting Coora's words "IS YOU EXCITED?" Yes I is excited. Cheers~

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