Chptr 8

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Nandini (crying) - Manik please at least listen to me..

Manik (eyes filled with tears) - What is left to listen Nandini?!

Nandini - Manik that time i didn't know what to do..Manik i did that just to protect u and our baby

Manik - Nandini at least u should have told me once...just once..i would have handled every thing!

Nandini - Manik please..

Manik - What do u expect me do now? Do u have any idea how much Me and Ahana had suffered in these 3 years?

Nandini - Manik i know but believe me that was important that time Manik..i didn't had any other choice...i didn't want to risk both of ur lives.

Manik - Stop just stop Nandini..that time u left me..this time..I'M LEAVING U with MY baby! (He left)

Nandini - Manik please don't do this to me...Manik stop...please ruk jaoo

Elly - Ma''am...are u okay?

Shravya was sweating very badly..she sat up straight on the bed with a jerk

Shravya - Manik pls ruk jao..

(( Laga 1000 volt ka Jhatka..i know u were having doubts from the very first update...but guess what...u all were right...Yes guys Shravya is only Nandini ))

Elly - Ma'am what happened

Shravya looked here and there registering her surroundings then looked at Elly...she face palmed her self and took a relief...It was a bad dream actually THE WORST DREAM ever.

Elly gave her a glass of water..which she drank in a go

Elly - Ma'am i think u should take rest

She nodded..Elly covered her with blanket and she closed her eyes..Elly came out of her room

Elly pov - What happened suddenly..And what she was speaking..i wish i could understand that language...but she was taking someone's name which i have listen many times from her mouth..yeah something like Man..nik...yep Manik..he is the Lead singer of that band..for which Ma'am is wholly mad, crazy and what not..but she can't be a local or random fan..something is definitely there!

Shravya started crying silently..thinking about that dream..which was the worst dream ever..she was scared if this dream comes true..then what she will do? Will he understand her? OR Will he leave her for forever?



Manik never took Ahana to any of the concert as he didn't want to take risk for her in so much of crowd...but this time he thought to take her and already he had arranged a high Security for his little doll..

He always kept her away from media...he thought that it wasn't the right time to come in front of the world..he always feared that if he did..may be he will lost her too...which he didn't want in anyway..After Nandini she was the only for which he was alive..

But now its high can't kept the reality from or tomorrow she has to see the world so why not today...but he was careful that nobody should be able to hurt her..

Ahana was playing with Sameer, Cabir, Dhruv, Mukti, Alya, Navya in the garden like area which was at backyard of their Mansion

Ahana was playing with Sameer, Cabir, Dhruv, Mukti, Alya, Navya in the garden like area which was at backyard of their Mansion

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