Day 5.

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The next day I got up feeling a mixed feeling of excitement and nervousness for the expedition ahead of me. We had slept in but that didn't bother me much. I woke up Andon as he was in a position on the couch that made me feel uncomfortable just to look at. I half expected him to jolt up but he more of slowly shifted to a sitting position. His imprint stuck in the couch where his upper body was.

He slowly turned to look at me.

"let's get some food at the diner"

"fuck you" I replied and handed him some eggs I had made before he got up. He quickly ate them and stood up to get himself some more food. Halfway to the kitchen Andon stopped and turned around to look at me. He smiled as he pulled out a protein bar out of his pocket like he had just found a large sum of money.

"You ready to go?". I knew almost nothing about this guy but I felt so close to him.

As I walked out and locked the door he looked at me disappointed.

"you brought the pipe..." he loudly mumbled so I could hear.

"I have more if you want one"

He shut up, and got in the car once I unlocked his door. He sat in the truck and asked me if it was a car or a truck.

"Best of both?" I said.

"But ugly as shit" he smartly replied.

I drove him to his truck, still in the parking lot of the bowling alley. He offered to drive me the rest of the way in his truck, as my "mutant" wouldn't be able to drive on the roads to the location. I got out of my car and stepped up the high climb into his large hick truck.

Andon's truck was a large piece of metal and bright red paint. It was immaculate on the inside and seemed fresh from the dealership except the "DDDEATH" sticker on dashboard. He didn't seem like the person that was into that kind of music, but I was so I brought it up, happy that we had another thing in common.

"You like DDDEATH?"


"The sticker, it's from the band"

"Oh that thing? I have no idea what it is, my sister put it there"

I never took his sister for someone that would be into that music, with her it seemed more likely she just liked the bright blue colour.

After a good hour of driving we finally arrived the base of a large stone wall.

"The road ends here, we'll have to get out"

I took the deep step out of the truck and continued along the shrinking path with Andon. After a minutes we went off the path and eventually found ourselves in a large clearing filled with holes, the grip on my pipe tightened.

We walked through the clearing to the other side of the stone wall, and right there was a small hole.

"How did you find this?"

"I hunt"

It was hard not to feel bad for the poor animal Andon was hunting as I pictured the image of him chasing a poor deer through the forest.

"So have you been inside?"

"Only while hunting" I felt worse for the animal.

We slowly stepped inside to reveal a huge cavern with many tunnels that connected to it, and went down into the abyss. I think we realized at the same time that we were severely unprepared for spelunking. We decided we would check around the area outside the cave and come back with equipment at a later date.

As we walked back we made room for light to move in, and I got a real look of the cave. The ceiling was very low and only proceeded to lower the further it went, though the floor also dipped parallel with the stone ceiling. Rock formations covered the top and water lightly trickled down into the dark. The cave was actually really beautiful, but none the less haunting.

Before we knew it the sun was going down, and neither of us wanted to be near the area after dusk, or driving in the empty woods. I stared at his sister's sticker on the way back still in disbelief that she knew what it symbolized. He dropped me off by my car and told me get some equipment and drove off.

When I went to sleep, I awoke in a large empty warehouse. The floor was made of polished marble tiles, and the walls and ceiling were made of industrial metal. There was a single light that hung from the ceiling that warmly glowed. In the middle of the room was a wooden rocking chair, but I sat beside it on the ground.

Outside alarms rang, and yelling could be heard. Some people even threw themselves on the outside of the walls, yelling for me to let them in.


I looked frantically around the room, but there was no entrance. The walls were completely sealed, with no way to enter or exit. I just sat there, afraid to answer. People started to scream more and more, until a large explosion became silence. When I got up, the chair was gone.

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