Steven Stamkos imagine

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hello! i know i'm not great at writing imagines and i thought the toews one was going to be kind of long, but the Taylor Hall imagine i am working on is turning out pretty lengthy and i just thought of this one, so here it is! -Kylee 


"He's no good for you!", "He'll only break your heart!", "You'll never learn!" 

Were they right? Am I finally going to learn my lesson? I thought he was the one, that he would always be there for me and by my side. It seemed so easy for him to get mad and leave me. Like he was wanting to leave me, but almost like he didn't want to tell me because he felt sorry for me.

They told me he was a "heart breaker", but he had a different side with me.. He was gentle, comforting. He was so cautious with me, like I was a delicate china doll. He clutched me close when we were together, wrapped a protective arm around me. Today was different, he just went off on me. I've never seen him so mad. He seemed like he had so much pent up anger towards me, but I can't think of anything I've done wrong. 

I keep hoping that he'll come back home. He'll walk in, hug me, and tell me everything is okay. But it's not. It won't happen. He's been gone for hours, it's almost 11pm and he left at 3pm. I lay in bed, on his side so I can feel close to him. His scent on the pillows, the sheets. I just lay there and think of everything I could or have done wrong. 

I was head over heels for him. But what if they were right, was he just playing with me? I'm just another one of the girls to add to his list? We have something, I know we do. He wouldn't have dated me for 3 months if he didn't feel anything for me. 

My eyes become sore as well as my head, so I end up falling asleep.

I wake up and turn over, hoping to see Steven sleeping peacefully next to me. I turn over and the bed looked like it hadn't even been touched. I sink back down and pull myself together to get out of bed. I pull on his Tampa Bay sweater and leave my pj shorts on. I slowly make my way out of our room and into the living room. I look towards the door and I see his jacket and shoes. I look towards the couch and he sits watching sports highlights. 

For a few moments, I stay silent and slowly make my way towards him. I stand about a metre behind the couch, my hands in the pocket of the sweater, tears building up in my eyes.

"Steven..?" I say softly. No response. 
"What did I do? I'm sorry for whatever it was.. I..."
He stands up, still not facing me. He walks around the couch and looks me in the eyes. 

The tears fall down my cheeks and stream down my neck. Sounding congested from crying, I choke out in a whisper, "Stay with me, please.. I need you here. I need you to comfort me. I'm afraid, I can barely breathe.. Please, don't disappear." 

He stares at me with a blank expression and I can feel myself breaking inside. I crouch down hugging my knees and bury my face into my arms. I just sit and softly cry. Minutes go by and he hasn't said anything yet. I hear a bit of shuffling and it goes silent. I feel his hands gently take hold of my forearms and pull me towards him into his lap on the floor. 

"I'm sorry." he says with a crack in his voice. 

I don't have a response. I just hold my hands to my face and cry. We sit for at least 15 minutes before he says anything again. 

"I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I'm here to stay." he says softly and kisses the top of my head.
"Why were you so mad...?" I say in a muffled tone through my hands. 
He's silent once again.

I remove my hands from my face and look him in the eyes. 
"Steven?" I ask, "What did I do..?" 
"It wasn't your fault. After practice, the guys were tossing some comments around and coach made a comment and I just got really pissed off and took it out on you.. I know I shouldn't have, but I did and I'm sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm an asshole, I know. You have every right to be mad at me or upset. I understand." 
I don't say anything else, I just grab him by his t-shirt and pull him closer to me. I softly press my lips on his. I feel butterfies again as if I was in grade 8 and had a crush on a cute boy. The kiss was gentle and passionate. It was simple, but it showed that he still cared.

He helps me up and pulls me into his chest. 
"I promise you that I'm not leaving. You don't have to worry about me going anywhere, I'll be right here." he says. I nod my head into his chest and wrap my arms around his waist.

"I love you so much.." he says.
"I love you too, Steven."

We stood hugging each other for a while, exchanging thoughts. We ordered chinese food and layed in bed together until we fell asleep. 



This has awful structure, but I swear, the Taylor Hall one has a lot of effort put into it so I promise that'll be better. Hope you enjoyed it even slightly -Kylee

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