Brayden Schenn Imagine (Requested)

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Brayden and your relationship felt tireless, you were beginning to think it was almost over. But you didn't want it to be like that at all, you love Brayden and would do anything for him. You wanted this relationship to build back up again, you can't bear the thought of him leaving, or you if it came down to it really. 

He would be back from the rink later, they have a game tomorrow. You decide to do something fun, something a couple of teenagers or kids would do. You decide to build a fort out of blankets, pillows, couch cushions, and whatever else you can find. You turn on your "fairy lights" you put up around christmas and never got around to take down because you both agreed they looked nice with the house.

A cabniet full of movies for you to choose from. You lay out the things you collected and take a deep breath before you begin to set everything up. The couch cusions and a few other things hold up your fort. You make a few little notes to leave by the door so when Brayden comes home, he almost knows what to expect. He would be home any minute.

You hear the door open and close a few moments later. His hockey bag is dropped and the sound of paper is heard. He lets out a soft chuckle and you hear his feet pad across the wooden floor, the pace increases and then stops. He pops his head in the entrance, looking at you laying on your stomach. He flashes a big smile and climbs in beside you.

"What's all this for?" he asks and kisses your cheek, then your forehead. 

"Just kind of felt like we were dying down and things were turning to dust, I don't want us to come to an end anytime soon." you shrug.

"We are not dying down or turning to dust, we aren't ending anytime soon on my watch or yours either. Things have just been tough with hockey and I've been trying to focus. I don't want to make it seem like I don't care or anything because I love you so much and I want you to know that." he says.

You smile and nod, "That's very good to know," you laugh lightly. 

He chimes in and laughs as well, laughter soon erupting from the both of you. You pick a movie and put it in the DVD player, snuggling close into Brayden. The movie is soon only a background noise as the two of you playfully wrestle on the wood floor. He pins you to the ground, laughing in unison with you. He kisses you softly and helps you to your feet. 

"You hungry?" he asks.

"That, I am."

"Well, madam, why don't we head out to get some chinese food?" he says in a funny voice.

"Why that sounds like a splendid idea, sir!" you imitate the voice he made. 

He takes your hand in his, leading you out to the car. You bring the food back home, which took way too long. You waited in the car while Brayden went in, you almost went inside to see what was taking so long. When you got back to the apartment, you both sat on the floor with some chick flick you had chosen in the background, the laughter of both of you tops the noise of the movie. 

Brayden and you had always had the "tradition" of opening the fortune cookies after you ate your food. Sometimes if Brayden had lost a game after you opened the cookies last, he'd make you open the fortune cookies before you ate. Brayden seemed estatic about the fortune cookies that night. He handed you yours and took his, he stared at you with an increasing smile as he waited for you to open yours. 

You cracked the fortune cookie open and took the little shred of paper in your fingers, reading the fortune out as always. 

"Will you marry me?" 

Your breath hitched in your throat as you looked at Brayden holding a small black box in hand. The smile on his face was the biggest you'd seen in a while. He got on one knee and slowly opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring. Your eyes were blurred with tears, you laughed lightly and wiped your cheeks. 

"So, will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes of course!" you said followed by a laugh. 

He slipped the ring onto your finger and gently clasped his hands on your cheeks, bringing you closer to kiss you. You smiled to yourself, not being able to think straight anymore. The rest of the night, you and Brayden spent watching movies and just talking about life and memories. 


a/n: i am so so so sorry for the little hiatus i've unexpectedly been on, i got super behind in school and had to catch up on everything, now i have final projects and exams coming up that i need to work on. i know i say this so often but i really have a full plate due to school right now but summer is coming and i'll do my best to update then, might not update as often as i'd like to in july bc i have to take summer school but i promise i'll try. i know you guys have been waiting for a while now for an update so i hope you like this and i will have more to come soon. as well for the fics i've been writing, i'm working hard to make the chapters longer and better so thank you for being so patient with me and bearing with me!! i really appreciate it! (also this wasn't proof read or anything so sorry for any mistakes!) -kylee

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