Brendan Gallagher (Requested)

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"Same as usual?" you asked him.

"Same as usual." he confirmed with a smile.

The same man had been coming into your flower shop every week for about 2 and a half months. He bought the same thing every time he came, nothing changed. He always came into your shop with a big smile on his face, even on the most miserable days. Waltzing in the first time, he asked, 

"Do you sell yellow chrysanthemums?" 

His pronunciation of chrysanthemum was extremely off and gave you a quick laugh. You did though, have chrysanthemums. His face lit up and he asked for a single yellow chrysanthemum. Then the next week he came in and asked again for a yellow chrysanthemum. This went on until the present day. 

It kind of made you a bit discouraged though, there had to be a lady he was giving these chrysanthemums to. A lucky lady at that, you thought. A few times you had sat with him and chatted about random things. He'd told you a bit about himself, and you told him a bit about yourself. Just the basics, nothing in depth. 

You took your time wrapping the flower and preparing it to give to Brendan. You slid the flower across the counter and he paid the usual, thanking you and leaving. You smiled, returned the farewell and tended to flowers in the back. 


"The usual, Mr. Gallagher?"

"Actually, no."

"I'd like a white chrysanthemum today, please." 

You were a bit confused, but nonetheless you went to get his white chrysanthemum. 

"I'll be back in just a minute!" he called out. 

You continued wrapping his flower, slowly but getting the job done. You heard the bells on the door jingle, meaning Brendan was back. You finished up preparing the flower and brought it out to him. You slid it across the counter, but he didn't touch it. You rang up the total and he paid for the flower, but left it there. He placed a bouquet of flowers, about half of them shriveled up and a bit dead, but a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums on the counter beside the white chrysanthemum. 

"I had seen you a few times through your shop window before I actually came in here and decided to buy something. At first I was just going to blindly buy flowers to get the chance to talk to you, but I looked up some flowers and gave meaning to the ones I was buying. I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner with me sometime?" he said, finishing with his bright smile. 

"Of course, when and where?" 

"Tomorrow night at 7? I can pick you up if you'd like." 

"Sounds lovely, Brendan." 

"See you then." he smiled, and jogged out of your shop.


a/n: Hey guys!!! So I'm back, for a while I was having some technical difficulties with wattpad so i just stopped trying and took a break from writing. Every time i would try to write, my entire browser would close and all my work would be lost. But I am back and hopefully will be finishing some overdue requests. 

Also, this may be continued in the near future bc this was quite short. Anyways, thank you to those who have been extremely patient with me and have been waiting for me to update. Sorry for the long, long wait, but thank you so much. 


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