Chapter 5

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Ross's P.O.V

We recorded the Do Not Laugh, and sent to be edited. I think the editor was that Max guy. He's kinda cute, in a way......Wait what? No, Ross, you don't like you?

Now I was confused. 

I sighed and just leaned back in my chair, tried to relax, failed, and ended up looking like I was trying to levitate myself over my chair. 

"Ross? You okay?" I jumped. It was Max.

"Oh, h-hey Max. I'm f-fine." I said, my face turning pink.

"You sure? You don't sound or look okay-"

"I'm fine! Really! I'll be okay.."

"Aright then.." Max said, and walked away.

"It's nice to see someone cares.." I mumbled and got back to my failed relaxation position.

~Time Skip brought to you by Mad Max 'n Cheese!~

(Still Ross's P.O.V btw)

I drove back home from the offices only to see a piece of paper on my apartment door. 

"Evicted? How?!" What did I do? I sighed and went inside. I made a bed on the floor, and packed up my stuff, including my katanas, manga, and other assorted items. I put my bags by the door, and got into my makeshift bed, took of my glasses, and went to sleep.


When I woke up, I grabbed my bags, and left my apartment. After doing some stuff with the apartment people, I officially didn't live here. I put my bags in the car, and drove to the offices.

"Hey Ross! How awe you?" Adam greeted em.

"I'm good, I guess, other than the fact that I lost my apartment yesterday..."

"You did?! Why?!" 

"I don't know why!"

Adam patted me on the back. "It'll be okay, Ross."

We walked in to the offices, and Adam being Adam, announced to the entire offices that I lost my apartment. I face-palmed, but let Adam do his thing. 

"Hey!" It was one of the editors. "I'm Tim-Tim, one of the editors, and , me and Max have an extra room in our apartment!"

"Wait..really?' I was so excited. Not did I only get to stay somewhere, I got to share it with my friends! And...Max...

"Really!" Tim cheered.

"See? I told you that you'd be okay!" Adam yelled and hugged me.

If only they'd stop telling me it'd be okay..


Hey! Hope you enjoyed! 

This took approximately 3 days to write. 



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