Rick and Rebecca (OC) are returning home after a day at the beach with their daughter when a fatal accident takes a life.
(Prompt from AccioRickGrimes )
No smut.
"Can you remember when Shane got so drunk at Daryl's party and thought he was Superman." Rebecca laughed.
Rick joined in. "And he tried to jump off the roof, thinking he could fly." He chuckled.
She nodded, unable to talk from laughing so much.
"It barely seems like any time ago," Rick mentioned as the laughter died down.
"Well, it wasn't really. It was only three years ago, and now look at us all. He's still screwing every girl in his sight; we've got a beautiful little girl." She said as she looked back at their daughter Chloe, sleeping soundly in her car seat. "Married..." She smiled as she placed her hand over Ricks.
"We did do things backwards, though, didn't we?" He smirked.
"I still blame you." She grumbled.
"Wasn't my fault you looked so good at that party."
She chuckled. "Just another crazy thing that happened at Daryl's party. Who would have thought we would conceive a baby at the Dixon's house." She laughed out loud again.
He chuckled. "We don't know that for sure! I would like to think she was conceived the day after."
Rebecca just shook her head and laughed.
"We were the talk of the town for a while, the sheriff's son knocking up a sweet, sweet girl." She smirked.
"Sweet?" He scoffed.
"Hey!" She laughed, playfully slapping him on the arm.
He smiled. "I love you, Mrs Grimes."
"I love you too." She smiled.
He looked back at their daughter. "She's got so much sand in her hair." He laughed.
"Yeah, and I'll have to get it all out." She grumbled.
"You know -"
"Watch out!" Rebecca shouted.
Rick turned to look back out the front window; a car was swerving down the road. Rick panicked and stalled the car; just as he got it going again, the car smashed into the side of theirs, hitting the passenger side directly.
Rick was in a dazed state. A mixture of his daughter's cries and passersby's talking and shouting was all he could hear.
"Re-Rebecca?" He called out. "Chloe?"
He tried to regain his eyesight, blinking a few times as drops of blood fell down his face.
He turned his head, ignoring the aching pain as he looked at Rebecca. Her body had been squashed against the seat and the contorted metal of the car. Blood was seeping from all kinds of wounds, and she wasn't conscious at all.
He tried to stay calm, and he looked into the back. Chloe was crying as people tried to open the car door.
He reached his hand back to his daughter. "Shush, it's okay. We'll be okay..." He looked at Rebecca. "Mommy...Mommy will be okay, too."
Rick woke up in an unfamiliar, sterile room. Laying on something soft and aching all over, making him remember what had happened.
"Chloe...Rebecca." He panicked.
"Calm down, sir. A doctor will be in shortly to explain everything to you. Your daughter is fine; she was a little scared, but she's now with your friend, Officer Shane Walsh?"
"Yeah, that's good. She's good. Where Rebecca. Is she okay? Can I see her?" He asked.
The nurse avoided looking at him. "The doctor will be in shortly." She replied before leaving quickly.
Rick waited and waited for the doctor to arrive. Instead, none did, but Shane arrived in the doorway of his room.
"Where's Chloe?" He automatically asked.
"Lori is in the waiting room with her."
Rick nodded. "Where's Rebecca?" He asked.
Shane stood by his best friend's bed. "No easy way to say this." He began.
"No, no, don't say it! she's not." Rick shook his head.
"She died on impact. I'm so sorry, Rick."
Rick shook his head, ignoring the pain. "No, no, she's not." He cried.
"I'm sorry."
"No! She's not dead! Let me see her, let me see my wife!"
"Dad, where are you going?" Six-year-old Carl asked as Rick and twelve-year-old Chloe got ready to leave.
"To see my Mom," Chloe said, smiling.
"Can I come?" Carl asked.
"No, I'm sorry, bud, stay here with your Mom, okay," Rick said softly.
"No buts Carl. Do as your Dad says. This is Chloe and your father's time." Lori said.
Carl sighed. "Fine." He grumbled.
"Bye," Rick said as he left with Chloe.
"Come on, let's go and see your Mom," Rick said to Chloe.
She smiled.
"I wish I could remember her," Chloe said.
"I wish you could, too, but all you need to know is that she loved you very much," Rick said as they placed flowers on Rebecca's grave
"Do you still love her?" Chloe asked.
"But you love Lori?" She asked.
"It's a different kind of love. It's confusing. I'll always love your mother. She was my first and only true love."
Chloe nodded, half in understanding, the other in confusion.
"Bye, Mom," Chloe said
"Bye, my love," Rick whispered before taking his daughter's hand and walking away.
I hope this was good enough!
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Fanfic•Norman/OC one shots •Andrew/OC one shots •Rick/OC one shots •Daryl/OC one shots. Series of one shots.