Wishing For Rain

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"Today's the day, are you ready?"

She would have rolled her eyes had it not been for the person currently coating her eyelashes in mascara. The day of the interview had finally arrived and Xavier was far too excited about it. She assumed it was because he enjoyed seeing her in uncomfortable situations.

Turning in her seat when the mascara wand was lowered, she found Xavier leaning casually against the doorway wearing nothing but slim fitting black jeans and small silver dove shaped pendant which dangled in the middle of his chest. She didn't even flinch. It was hardly surprising anymore, as he generally enjoyed wearing as little clothing as possible. Still, that didn't stop her from fantasizing about biting down on that necklace as he did decidedly unholy things to her.

Kasia had a shock the first night she came back from rehearsal to find Xavier lounging in her hotel room, almost entirely nude save for some tiny black boxers. She had stared in awe for a moment, admiring his well-toned body before mentally debating whether or not it was a good thing that she now knew about his ability to open locked doors, as he was now using it as an excuse to enter her room whenever he pleased.

Taking a moment to appreciate his current state of undress, she smirked as she stood, careful to keep her curls intact. Crossing her terry cloth robe clad arms over her chest, she raised one eyebrow. "What's got you so excited?"

He shrugged. "I love interviews."

It made sense, seeing as he was good at them as well. Xavier was sweet and charming and polite and had been media trained extremely well. Despite her advantage of being in the industry longer, Kasia still had yet to perfect the interview. Her brain to mouth filter was almost nonexistent and she often wound up cursing or revealing inappropriate thoughts.

It wasn't always intentional, but often times she just decided that she didn't care. Unfortunately, that often also produced some clean up on Henry's part.

At first, the interview was meant to be for a magazine. But someone who worked for the magazine leaked the news and the media caught wind. The interest had grown rapidly and soon Henry had no choice but to accept a televised interview.

It would be recorded in the seating area of her hotel suite, but broadcast live to the nation. Henry thought this would provide a more intimate feel. Because knowing millions of people were watching her every move was extremely intimate.

She supposed it was a compelling subject. Everyone wanted to know how the golden boy and the wild child could possibly get along.

She watched as Xavier was called over to retrieve his shirt and laughed at his utter reluctance to wear clothing, a trait they shared.

In reality, they actually had a great deal in common in regards to singing and songwriting and their taste in music. They differed, however, in how they conducted themselves in regards to other areas of their lives.

Xavier was like pouring rain: soothing and calm and comforting. It seemed he always knew exactly how to handle any situation thrown at him. Kasia, on the other hand, was like burning fire: abrupt and heated and difficult to contain. Individually, those elements were fine and maybe even necessary. Together, however, it never seemed to work.

Her interactions with Xavier were intriguing to say the least. Over the past few weeks, he had developed an astounding sense of comfort around her. She didn't particularly mind, she was just unused to people so quickly adjusting to her presence.

This strangeness was further compounded by the fact that, generally, her conversations with Xavier were hardly civil. They were sarcastic and dry and brutally honest. And although she enjoyed the banter, she wasn't sure innocent observers would understand.

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