My Favorite Place

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It turned out forgetting about the past was surprisingly easy. Especially when she was with Xavier.

She loved award show after parties. The music was pumping, the alcohol was free flowing and it was entertaining as hell to watch normally straight laced celebrities let loose.

So she and Xavier danced and mingled and took far too many shots of rum until she could barely remember her own name. Unfortunately, this meant she woke up with a wicked hangover the next morning.

She groaned as she lifted her torso, recognizing her surroundings as the bedroom of her Malibu beach house, though she had no idea how she'd gotten there, considering the awards show was in LA. But she didn't put too much thought into it, as the sheets were crumpled and clothes were strewn on the floor and she had a massive headache and an urge to vomit.

Also, there was someone else in her bed.

Usually, she wouldn't be too surprised about ending up in this situation, but she'd been keeping her promise to Henry about not being too wild and had managed to abstain from one night stands since the start of her tour. So when she looked to her side and vaguely made sense of the bare back of another human being, she was a little confused, to say the least.

Squinting her eyes and sucking in her bottom lip, she blinked rapidly as her vision became clearer. He was lying on his stomach, so all she could make out was dark brown hair. Pushing herself up with one hand, she leaned over him to see if she recognized his face, only to have her eyes widen with horror when she realized who he was.



She wasn't really sure what to feel.

On one hand, she pretty much wanted to jump his bones every time she saw him; that boy had a smile that could power all of Los Angeles and it was the sexiest thing she'd ever seen. On the other, she'd pretty much shut Xavier down in the romance department, so sleeping with him could be construed as sending mixed signals.

She had meant what she said about not yet being ready to let him in, but based on what she remembered of the previous night, she found herself more and more wanting to tell him everything.

Maybe today she would take that first step towards letting down her emotional walls. Maybe this was the sign.

She was pulled from her thoughts when she heard Xavier stirring. He shifted slightly, turning his head to face her as his eyes slowly opened. One side of his mouth lifted and his voice came out hoarse and gravelly.


"Hey," she whispered, wondering if he'd put together the confusion of their current situation.

Blinking, he settled his cheek into the pillow and sighed. "I'm hungry."

"Same," she nodded in agreement, chewing on her bottom lip as she decided she should probably make him aware of what was happening. "Xavier...I think we slept together last night."

His eyes shot open and he pondered the thought for a moment, squirming beneath the covers before he burst out laughing. "No, we didn't."

Utterly confused, Kasia glanced, noting that she hadn't worn a bra with her awards show dress, so when she'd disrobed, she'd ended up topless. Performing the same wiggling action that Xavier had done a few seconds earlier, she realized she was still wearing underwear. She supposed that did reduce the likelihood of anything happening by quite a bit.

Biting her lip, she peeked beneath the covers to make sure Xavier was in the same situation and burst out laughing when she realized he was still wearing his fitted black pants from the night before.

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