Try and Catch Me

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Kasia didn't get nervous. At least, not like this. A few butterflies before she got on stage always helped her perform her best. But this was gut wrenching, stomach tightening, she felt like she couldn't breathe nerves.

And of course, he was the cause. He always did have a way of paralyzing her with fear. Just the thought of him made her feel as though fingers were tightening around her neck and slowly strangling her to death. As though she was drowning and gasping for air.

She should have known this would happen. Since the breakup three years ago, she'd managed to avoid this situation. He'd been pretty low key, only doing small independent films that didn't garner him much attention at the large music awards shows she generally attended.

However, this year, he'd just finished filming the latest in a large action movie franchise and was out promoting everywhere. Currently, she was glancing at the TV, attempting not to watch the prerecorded interview he'd done with the entertainment channel while simultaneously trying not to the think about the fact that in a few short hours, they'd once again be in the same room.

Award shows were always fun to attend; especially ones honoring musicians because the performances never failed to disappoint. So of course she'd said she would attend and perform. At the time she hadn't thought about Noah being there, mostly because it had been ages since she'd thought about him general.

So she'd begged Xavier to come along. He'd been wary, and rightfully so, after the near disaster that picture of them kissing had caused. But she really needed the moral support, especially since Annie had returned to school. Besides, Xavier was a musician as well, so his presence there wouldn't be questioned.

Although they were taking the same car to the event because they were staying in the same hotel, they planned to stagger their red carpet entrances so they wouldn't be asked to take pictures together. Kasia had listed Xavier as her plus one to ensure they were seated side by side. She knew that was a questionable idea, considering all that had happened the past few weeks. But she figured barely anyone knew about the kiss as the picture had been stripped from all websites and banned from being published. Thus, people would either assume there was something going on between them or assume they were just friends. And seeing as people always assumed they were in a secret relationship, this wasn't anything new to deal with.

A soft knock on her door drew her attention and she quickly switched off the television and stood carefully, smoothing out her feather skirted dress and tugging gently on the end of her high ponytail. Taking a deep breath, she tapped her self-painted black nails against the outside of her clutch as she walked towards the door and pulled it open to reveal Xavier on the other side.

He was dressed simply, in fitted black pants, a white button up, and a black blazer, but she thought he looked breathtaking nonetheless.

She smiled widely. "You clean up nice, Spiers."

He smirked. "You're gorgeous, Stevens."

Despite herself, she flushed, nodding towards the doorway to direct his attention elsewhere. They arrived at the red carpet half an hour before the show was scheduled to begin. Kasia stepped out of the car first, Xavier saying he would wait ten minutes before making his appearance.

She worked the red carpet as usual, giving them sultry looks over her shoulder when they asked. Her management had advised her not to do any red carpet interviews, as she would undoubtedly be asked about Noah or Xavier and she would rather not talk about either. So she finished her poses and smiles and waves quickly before stepping inside the lobby of the venue to wait for Xavier.

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