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It was a beautiful day somewhere in North Carolina and Kasia was determined to make the most of it.

She had arrived a day early because, well to be completely honest, she had nothing better to do. There were only so many hours she could watch the waves crash on the shore from the balcony of her Malibu beach house before coming to the conclusion that she was utterly lonely.

So she flew her private jet across the country to the site of her next concert and decided to spend the day taking in the sights among the locals.

Her chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream dripped down the side of her cone and she tilted her head to lick it up, catching it before it hit her hand. Satisfied and triumphant, she smiled as she slurped up more of the scoop, her eyes scanning the sights around her.

This town was gorgeous; much more greenery than she was used to and she decided the air smelled different as well. It was peaceful and she adored it.

People milled about, entering and exiting various shops or hustling to restaurants for their lunch breaks. A warm breeze lifted her hair and played with the hem of her skirt. Smiling, she pushed her sunglasses up the bridge of her nose.

Thus far, she had yet to be recognized. Not that she minded taking pictures with fans. It was always nice to interact with the people who shaped her career. But at the same time, she was enjoying anonymity.

There were no paparazzi here. No one seemed to care that she was even around and although she despised being lonely, it was pleasant not to be hassled for a change.

Finishing off her ice cream cone, she wiped her mouth with a napkin and threw it in a nearby trash can before adjusting the strap of her purse and looking around to pick out her next destination. Her eyes scanned over the crowds and she briefly read the names of the shops and restaurants only to freeze entirely at the sight of someone very familiar.

His back was to her, a light blue beanie pulled over his hair, but she would recognize those sloping shoulders and lean frame anywhere.

Perhaps she should have just moved on. After all, calling out to him would only draw attention. The press might not care about just her, but add another musician to the mix and it had the makings of a great story.

Her curiosity got the better of her, however. She never asked what Xavier did when they spent time apart, always assuming he was usually holed up in his New York City apartment. Apparently she was wrong. Apparently he spent his time off in North Carolina.

Knowing she would most likely come to regret her actions later, she shook her head and jogged across the street. He was standing outside a shop, his neck bent as he stared at something in his hand.

"Hello, stranger," she said with a sly smile, tapping him lightly on the shoulder.

He was startled, twisting his torso and staring at her in bewilderment, the hand holding his phone dropping quickly to the side. "Kasia? What are you doing here?"

His features softened as he looked at her, his lips stretching into a smile and his eyes lighting in a way which indicated he was actually quite happy to see her. It caused a pang of guilt in her chest as she recalled the confrontation they'd had in his hotel room a week ago.

He'd been so open and honest and she'd reacted like she always did: she shut it down and she ran away.

"I um...I just flew in early. Thought I would check out the sights," she responded.

"Oh," he said softly, sticking his phone in the back pocket of his jeans before shoving his fingers in the front ones. "How do you like it so far?"

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