The Tsundere plant

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The loud ring of my alarm clock woke me, I groggily reached for the snooze button and dragged myself downstairs. "Morning mom." I said, rubbing my eyes. "Morning frisk." She happily stated, holding a plate of bacon and eggs with a glass of orange juice.

I sleepily munched my food, looking blankly at the table. "Frisk? Are you alright? You look tired?" Mom worriedly asked. "Oh uh, just made home works last night." I lazily smiled, she furrowed her eyebrows, I think my alibi is not convincing.

"Home works? But, I thought you haven't started discussions and lessons yet?" She said, holding the spatula. "Oh, our teachers gave us advanced assignments, I did advanced reading a few days ago before school started, so finished them all last night, even though they're due next week." I explained.

"Okay? Better finish your breakfast or you'll miss the bus." She smiled and I nodded. I hopped down the chair, all of a sudden, I felt queasy and my head feels heavier than usual, which made me collapse on my knees.

"Frisk!" Mom yelled, dropping the spatula on the floor as she rushed beside me. "Oh my! You're hot!" She frantically said, placing a hand on my head. She carried me up in my room and laid me down the bed. "Mom, I'm fine" I reassured.

"No, you're not! You'll not going to school today." She spat. "But, mom, I wanna go to school, I'll be fine." I pleaded, clutching my stomach. "No, dear, you need rest." She smiled as she leaned and kissed my forehead.

"Don't worry, I'll tell ms. Melody." She said, closing the door. Great, I should've not watched TV all night, I lied. This normally happens whenever I stay up all night, but mom never gets used to it. "I'll be there in a few minutes....yes..ok...bye." She ended the call.

"Sorry my child, mom's needed for work today." She explained, opening the door. "Don't worry, I'll come home soon. Mrs. Winfret offered to watch over you while I'm gone, get well soon." She smiled, as she pecked my cheek goodbye. "Bye mom." I smiled.

She grinned and left the room. Momentarily, Mrs. Winfret came in. "Hello frisk! I made you waffles!" She greeted, holding a plate of waffles and a glass of milk. "Thanks Mrs. Winfret." I smiled, as she put the the tray by my nightstand.

"Well, make sure you'll drink your medicines, or you'll be sorry." She glared, then she forced a smile. I nervously grinned back "I'll be downstairs watching TV, call me if you needed anything dearie." She said with an innocent smile plastered on her face before leaving the room.

Whew, Mrs. Winfret is a hag like person I might say, she is mischievous, one time when I was outside by our backyard, I saw her with my mom. She's our new neighbor back then. She offered me a plate of cookies, and me, being the polite nice kid, ate some.

But to my mistake, it tasted horrible, I saw some inedible stuff mixed in it. Believe me, you don't want to know what are those stuff. I stayed in my room for a day, after that happened. It made me sick, but I hid it to mom.

Ever since she gave me that devious grin, I never tasted any of her food. I took a look at the waffles, it looked edible. " about a tiny bite?" I said, reaching for the knife and fork. I sliced a bit of it, I was about to shove it in my mouth, but a green wiggly thing popped out. "Aaah!" I screamed.

I gently set it down the plate and there the worm wiggled out. Eeeew. I reached for the glass of milk, but I saw an eyeball and some glowing violet swirling liquid around it. I placed it down with a face of disgust crept on my face.

"Dearie? Is everything alright? Have you eaten my waffles?" She asked, as I heard heavy footsteps by the stairs. Uh oh. "U-uh yeah!" I exclaimed, as I dumped the waffles out the window. "How about the glass of milk? Are you feeling better?" She asked, sarcasm filling her shrill voice.

"Yeah! They're good! Now I'm better as ever!" I called, pouring the glass of milk on my flower pot. "OK, good! I'll be out for a moment! I forgot to feed cupcake." She said, her voice descending by the door.

"Whew, that was close."
"Yeah, or she'll feed you to cupcake instead." I stiffened as I looked back. "Haha that would be so evil." There a cackling flower with a face?! Sat by the flower pot, where I dumped the milk in.

"Pffft, what? Never seen a devious talking flower before?" The flower grinned. "Uhhh...nope..." I said, approaching the flower. "Hey! What are you doing?!" He I assume, spat as I held the flower pot, sitting by the side of my bed.

"Your creeping me out! Stop it!" He hysterically yelled, making tiny tantrums. "You're so...." I said, with a blank expression. "Don't you dare!" "CUTEEEEEEEEE!" I squealed, hugging the pot. "Ugghhhh...." He groaned as I continued hugging him close to my face.

"STOP IT OR I'LL KILL YOU!" he warned. "Awwww" I purred as he looked so pissed. "Please! Just stop!" He yelled. "OK sorry" I smiled, setting him down. "Finally" he muttered. "The name's frisk!" I smiled, extending a hand onto his leaves.

"Hmph!" He slapped my hand away, which kinda hurt. "Bad flower!" I shouted which made him snicker. "So, do you have a name?" I asked. "Yes I do have one." He sarcastically said. "Really? What's your name?" I asked. "I don't have a name you dum dum! Can't you see I am a flower! He yelled. "Hmm, how about I'll think of a name for you." I said, rubbing my chin.

"Oh! How about petals?" I smiled. "No way!" He glared. "Hmm..Flower..cute.." I whispered. "Oh! I'll call you flowey!" I beamed. "Are you serious?! It doesn't sound evil! That name is so stupid!" Flowey snickered, crossing his leaves.

I laid down on the bed feeling queasy again, not facing him. "Pfft, now your pissed? Just because of that idiotic name?" He chuckled. I covered my face with a pillow, feeling my headaches. "Haha, I ain't buying that squirt." He said, looking away.

I started to cry in pain on the pillow, flowey looks at me with concern filling his eyes. "Hey! Stop crying! That is just dumb!" He huffed which made me fake cry more. "Hey! Are you even listening!" He yelled.

I didn't listen. Flowey looks bothered. "Tsk, me flowey." He huffed. I felt alot better all of a sudden as he those words. "Yay!" I beamed, tackling him into a hug, shedding my now, vanished tears. "Hey! You aren't crying! You just faked it!" He retorted. "I'll call you flowey, flowey the flower!" I giggled. I was Winfret is a witch? I guess?

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