Sweet treats

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We walked for hours, it actually feels like a year walk for me. Every time we pass by a cage of unusual animals, gorey and the others would usually take pictures and stuff. Its actually fun, especially when hilarious occurrences happens.

Like when Flowey almost got eaten by a goat, if your thinking of gorey or tori...its a big no! Hehe, its partly my fault.

I left my bag beside the stable to join the group picture beside a nearby flower patch, It was really a bad idea....Flowey almost screamed when he saw the goat munching a flower, it looked more like a buttercup so he froze in terror, fearing to get eaten. The others nearly knew about him, but sans gladly helped me to take cover.

Reasoning it was just his phone's ringtone, everyone looked at him in disbelief, saying that it came from my bag.

Welp, I explained that we have more important things to worry and that thing is returning the phone to metta.

||Third person's POV || (for the first time around -w-)

~Meanwhile at the other side....of the zoo~

"WOWIE! LOOK AT THOSE STARFISHES DOWN WITH THOSE SHELLS!" papy squealed, admiring the pinkish sea creature.

"Mmmhmm! They're absolutely fabulous!~" metta chuckled reaching for her pink glittery pouch.


"Oh no~"


"I think I dropped my phone! I promised my dad that I'd call him when we arrived! But now, its nowhere to be found! ~ metta frantically explained, rummaging everything in her pouch.

" DON'T WORRY METTATON! THE GREAT PAPYRUS WOULD HELP YOU FIND IT!" papy smiled in reassurance, puffing his chest proudly.

"Thanks papy!~" metta's frown disappeared as she gave papy a hug.

"Y-YOUR WELCOME M-METTATON!" papy stuttered as a small hint of orange dusted his pale cheeks.

~Now, back to our brave questors X3~

||Frisk's POV ||

We finally arrived at the said place, everything looks so amazing! All those fishes and crabs! And those sting rays! Everything seems right and proper, all the sea creatures swimming around the large aquarium.

But something or should i say, someone is missing...
"Where are they?" I asked, searching for any sign of metta and papy.

"I don't know, but I'm sure they'll be right here on this very spot." Alphys pondered, frowning a bit.

"Maybe they already left, searching for the phone." Tori added.

"But we found it already!" Gorey groaned, collapsing on a nearby stool complaining about his now, sore feet.

"We must not lose hope! I'm sure they're around here somewhere!" Undyne flashed a cheeky grin.

"Heh, I guess they're by the starfish aquariums. Paps can't stop babbling about it since yester-"

"BROTHER!" A high pitched voice rang fron behind, catching our attention.

"Pap- oof!"

"I'M SO GLAD I'VE FOUND YOU!" paps squealed, enveloping sans in a bone-crushing hug.

"Hehe me too, b-but please let go paps....c-c-can't b-b-breath!" Sans gasped for air turning purple for a moment.

"SORRY!" paps apologized, letting go.

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