The Grand Science Fair

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(I can't find a midget sans with a lab coat so I just used science tale sans •w•)

WAAADDUP DREAMERS! Did ya miss me? Or just the story?

You: *taps foot*

*sweats nervously* Welp, anyways here's another chappie y'all been anticipating!


So, This would be the start of the plot twist and adventure of our little fwends! :3 Thanks to my dear friend MissGhostWriter, for helping me through the fuusiiiiioooooon xD of ideas! I say things too much don't I?

You: *foot tapping intensifies*

Ok OK, enough blabbering! On with the story!


"Frisk, did you got the hurricane model from our locker?" Sans asked while popping his little arms out of the big lab coat his dad lent him.

"YUP!" I beamed, while pulling the not so heavy model out of the box. Geez, I think I'm gonna pass out! Running from here to the lockers 3 times is a total workout! I thought and sat down in exhaustion.

"Good, 30 minutes till the grand science fair starts!" He smiled, as he clasped his phalanges together. Great! Not to boast but I bet we'll win first prize for this year's science fair! Coz of course, this was Sans' idea. He's currently the top performing student in Science in our whole batch, mostly all of our subject teachers has their votes on us. There's no doubt we'll lose.



"Why don't you wear your lab coat already?" Sans asked, handing a spare lab coat to me.

"I-i, do I still need a lab coat?" I replied.

"Yep, you're my science bud here right?" He asked, doubtful of his decision.

"Well of course!" I squealed with happiness and tackled him in a friendship hug.

Sans seemed alarmed but he gave in anyways.

"KYAAAAAAAAAA! IT'S A SHIIIP!" An ear piercing voice echoed around. I should've known....Alphys.

I suddenly backed away from Sans and pretended that nothing really happened, because well I know they would jump into weird, crazy conclusions. I can't let that happen

"W-what are y-you guys doing here?" Sans stuttered, a hint of blue dusted on his cheek bones clearly astounded from what I did earlier.

"Spying on you two of course hehehe" Undyne giggled along with gorey and Alphys.

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