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I groaned as my alarm clock went of for the third time. My hand slowly found it's way to my phone and I groggily switched it off, trying my best to get ready for the day. My head pounded as I tried to stand and I started to feel dizzy, falling back onto the bed. "Fuck" I dragged on. I grabbed my head and steadied myself, pulling on black skinny jeans and a NASA shirt. I padded into the bathroom, attempting to fix my messy red hair. "Oh well." I sighed, knowing my hair wasn't going to listen.

"Joshua fucking Dun!" I heard from downstairs. My body jumped, but I soon calmed down realizing it was just Brendon. I ran down the steps, slightly irritated. "Bren how the fuck-" I started. "You know that key you keep behind the rock? I've seen you take it out and now I know." He declared, clearly proud of his "investigative abilities." He bounded over towards the kitchen, burying his head in the fridge. "Do you have any beer?" He asked, his voice muffled. "It's ten in the morning, and no." Brendon pouted and slumped against the wall.

"I'm guessing you didn't just come here to raid my fridge, right?" I joked, trying to keep the energetic man entertained. "I'm here to drive you to work." He replied, not taking his eyes away from his phone. "Oh really, because for six months I've been walking every morning and it seem strange that you would pick now to take me..." I said, smirking. Brendon threw his phone onto the couch melodramatically and grabbed his heart. "I'm appalled that you would think I, Brendon Boyd Urie, would want to get something out of you in return for a ride to work." He yelled, mocking hurt.

I smiled, shaking my head sliding down the wall so I could sit next to him. "So what do you really want?" I asked, my mouth full of soggy frosted flakes. "I know I guy who's throwing this party and I just wanted my best bud to go with me." He said, trying to act innocent. "Brendon, you know how I feel about parties..." I trailed off. "Please Josh! There's going to be cute boys there." He pleaded, trying to bargain with me. His bottom lip was poked out and he was doing his best puppy-eyes. My shoulders fell and I sighed, giving in. "Fuck you."

~ ~ ~

We arrived at the record shop five minutes before my shift started. "Damn Brendon, cutting it a little close." I said as we both climbed out of the car. I quickly walked into the shop, the door emitting a satisfying ding. Brendon sat on top of the counter, while I started stocking our new vinyl. "Dude check this out." I said, holding up a The 1975 vinyl. "You actually like them?" Brendon asked and I shrugged. "It's an acquired taste. Here let me show you." I put the vinyl on the record player and watched as Brendon put his hand under his chin as if to judge how good the band was.

I pointed at Brendon dramatically and began forcefully singing the lyrics. "Don't call it a fight when you know it's a war." I pretended to play guitar while Brendon put his head in his hands. "Wearing nothing but your t-shirt on." I was going to keep singing but Brendon threw his shoes at me. "Please just stop. I get it you like them now go back to work for everyone's sake." I scoffed jokingly. "Rude"

I continued putting vinyl on the shelves until I heard the ding of the door. Pete stumbled in, still wiping sleep out of his eyes. "He's risen!" I yelled. Pete shot me a glare and sprawled out across some boxes in the corner. "I'm so fucking tired." He groaned. "But you're still up for the party tonight, right?" Brendon inquired. "Sure, the party never fucking ends does it." He said sarcastically, pushing himself up off of the boxes, joining me in stocking the shelves.

"Wait is this The 1975 playing?"


"I'm too punk rock for this"

~ ~ ~

Brendon drove Pete and I back to my our houses when our shift was over. "You'd better be at the party!" Brendon yelled when Pete was almost to his door. "Wait, whose house is it at?" Pete asked, realizing he had absolutely no clue where Brendon was threatening him to go to. "Matty's" With that, we drove off towards my apartment.

I got out of the car and got the key from behind the rock, playfully glaring at Brendon as I did so. I was halfway into the house before Brendon called after me. "I'll pick you up at ten." He said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and closed my door behind me.


please keep in mind that every. little. thing. in this chapter has significance :)  

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