Chapter 2

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Sophia's Point of view

At clinical the next morning, the doctor asks me a variety of questions about different medical situations and he seemed very pleased.

"You're going to make one of the best nurses Sophia." He says to me, patting me on the back.

"Thank you so much Dr. Gruber."

My best friend, Dana, is also becoming a nurse. She nods her head at me as I pass her in the hall. I go to change all the patients on my floors bedpans and check their I.V. bag. Once I'm finished, it's about 4'oclock and I'm starving. I sign out of the hospital and go to my Volkswagen.

I check my watch; I'm supposed to meet my aunt for dinner soon! As the light turns green I floor it and get to my apartment, I change into a nice white blouse and black pants. I grab my purse and head out the door, the restaurant is only about five minutes away so once I get there I'm right on time. The restaurant is very nice; it is a small Italian restaurant where you can order anything, my best friend Dana's parents own it. Pulling my dark hair back into a ponytail, I find a window seat.

Dana's mom walks over to me, "Hey Sophia, how's school coming along?"

"Actually pretty good, Dana and I barely have time to talk anymore, but I know we will once we graduate."

She nods, "You two are going to do great, and do you want your usual?"

I smile, "Yes please."

"Alright, chicken penne with alfredo coming right up, with a glass of lemonade of course. Are you here by yourself today?"

"No, my aunt is on her way."

"I'll be back with your food shortly."

I nod and see my aunt walk in, I get up and she gives me a huge hug.

"Sophia, it's been a few weeks, How are you?"

We sit down and I take a deep breath.

"It's been rough with Aiden gone and all, but I'm hanging in there, I'm just happy we get to Skype more often than you would think."

"That's good; I bet it's been very hard on him as well."

Dana's mom, Nancy comes back with my food and has my aunt's spaghetti and meatballs all ready, the woman is a miracle worker with food, and she always knows our order.

"Thank you Nancy." My aunt says smiling.

"No problem, I better get a good tip," She says laughing.

We both laugh and continue our conversation.

"So, are you excited for graduation?" My aunt asks.

"Yes, I can't wait, and I get to see Aiden too." I smile.

"He really cares for you, and loves you," My aunt smiles.

"I'm a lucky girl. I just can't wait until he's home for good."

We continue to talk about school and Aiden and how my aunts' job as a lawyer is going, at about 8, I head out. At our apartment, I turn on C.S.I and grab a blanket and curl up on my couch, a few hours pass and I hear a buzz noise from my computer.

"Shit!" I realize I fell asleep and Aiden is calling on Skype.

I straighten out my hair and hit the button; he pops up on the screen.

"Hey babe, how was your day?"

"It was good, I met with my aunt for dinner and we talked about you."

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