Chapter 5

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Ok Sophia take some deep breaths! You are ok! There is no one in the apartment the officers just checked! I debate on whether to call Danny or not, I don't want to tell Aiden what is going on due to his condition. I immediately call 911 and tell the operator what happened. She said they will try to trace the call and let me know what happens.

I run over to the door and lock it that eerie voce keeps haunting me Missing something? It keeps replaying in my head. What did this man take? I look around everything looks in place in the living room and kitchen; I go to our bedroom and look around. I notice on the nightstand one of the pictures of me and Aiden is missing. My I Phone goes off and I jump "Jesus!" I scream looking at the phone I see Aiden's number and answer, "Hello?"

"Soph, is everything okay at the apartment?"

I hesitate for a moment, "Yes it was just a glitch babe, everything is fine, I'll be at the hospital soon I am just going to pack a few things and I will be right there!"

"Ok, good to hear I will see you soon, love you."

"Love you too!" I hang up and realize I desperately need a shower, I go over to my bathroom and strip down, and I run the water for a few minutes until it gets hot and get in. I let the water hit my back and relax. It's been quite an eventful day and a few minutes in the shower should help relax me.

I wash and finish up, just as I get out of the shower I hear the front door squeak, the way it does when it opens or closes... Panicking I wrap a towel around me and lock the bathroom door.

Hesitant I shout "Hello?!"

I hear no response, starting to think a person broke into the house I slightly open the door looking out into the bedroom, it looks clear. Aiden keeps a bat by the bed I creep over to the bed and grab the bat. I go to walk out of the bedroom and something out of the corner of my eye moves. I scream and go to hit whoever it is and I hear Danny scream, "What the hell Soph?!"

"Danny... I thought you were a burglar!" I pull my towel closer to me and he starts laughing.

"Danny it's not funny!" I give him the stink eye.

"It is a little funny, but I'm sorry I didn't call before I came. Aiden wanted me to make sure you were ok after the alarm incident."

"I'm fine; I'm going to get some clothes on, ok?"

He looks at me like when your best friend peers into your soul; he knows something is up...

"Sure. But I still say you're keeping something from me."

I shake my head and go get my clothes on; I picked a long sleeve black blouse and some skinny jeans. I brush my hair and grab my duffel, walking out of the room I see Danny looking at my phone.

"Danny what are you doing?"

"Some random number texted you, they sent this..."

He held up my phone and on it was a picture of my apartment window with me standing by it I cup my hand over my mouth and start to cry, "I thought it was over and whoever was doing this would leave me alone!"

"Soph what's going on? Talk to me." He puts his arm around me and I tell him everything that's been happening,

"So the police are trying to track this weirdo down, hopefully they find something soon."

"I really hope so" I sniffle "Please don't tell Aiden about this, he needs his rest and has been through so much already."

"I hate keeping things from him, but I'll do it for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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