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Aphmau's P.O.V

I got out the front door and saw Garroth waiting to walk to school with me. "Hey, Aphmau!" he greeted. "Hello, Garroth!" I responded. "Ready to go?" Garroth asked. I nodded and started walking towards the school. "Aphmau, yesterday Laurence texted me and said that you've been hanging out with Aaron." Garroth said, as I looked down. "G-Garroth. I'm friends with Aaron. Nothing more, nothing less. PLEASE, don't get jealous. Laurence has already occupied himself with that." I explained. "Aphmau, please understand that Laurence and I don't exactly trust Aaron. He is so closed off, almost like he's hiding something." Garroth said. "He's been very open with me. He is hiding something. Nothing life changing though. He told me and I don't think that I can tell you. Sorry, Garroth." I mumbled, hoping he wouldn't question further. "It's okay. I might ask him later though..." Garroth said, as Laurence came up to us. "Hey, Laurence!" I greeted. "Hi, Aphmau, Garroth!" He said. "Hello, Laurence!" Garroth greeted. "Where is Aaron?" Laurence whispered. "I don't know, I just got here." I said. Garroth shrugged. "I think I know where to find him. I have to go to class though. Bye, guys!" I said, as I walked away I bumped into someone. "Watch i- Oh, Aphmau! Sorry!" Aaron apologized. "It's okay. Aaron I need to talk to you." I said. "Okay, I know somewhere that we can talk in private." Aaron said, taking my hand and guiding me to the practice room. We went inside and locked the door. "What did you need to talk about?" Aaron asked. "Garroth and Laurence..." I mumbled, looking down.

Aaron's P.O.V

I hope they haven't been bugging her! "They're out to get you, mainly Laurence though." Aphmau said. "What do you mean "out to get me"?" I asked Aphmau. "Laurence and Garroth are jealous of me spending time with you. They also assume that you are some kind of trouble maker because you have scars and stuff all over your body, and always seem to be hiding things." Aphmau explained. "Aphmau, today when we walk home invite Garroth. I want to explain a couple things to him. I trust him more than Laurence, in some way." I said. Aphmau nodded and we started walking towards class.

Aphmau's P.O.V


I walked up to werewolf class, where Asron said to meet him with Garroth. I saw Aaron and who looked like Balto, arguing. "WHERE IS APHMAU?" Balto yelled at Aaron. "I DON'T KNOW!" Aaron shouted back. "Garroth, what do we do?" I whispered to him. "I don't know. Don't you take witchcraft classes." Garroth whispered back. I nodded and walked towards the argument. "Hey, Aaron! Ready to go?" I asked, completely ignoring Balto. Aaron nodded as Balto grabbed me from behind. "PUT ME DOWN!!!" I screeched. Balto then turned into a werewolf, followed by Aaron. Garroth looked scared and guilty, that he couldn't protect me. "Come on, Aphmau! Stop fighting!" Balto said. "GARROTH! AARON! HELP!" I screamed. I felt Balto's claws digging into my arms. Hyria (the witchcraft teacher) walked by, only slightly slowing down to capture Balto in a golden lasso and take him with her and wink. I realized that Aaron and Garroth were both scratched up, and bruised from trying to help me. "Thank you, both of you." I thanked them. "We'd rather get hurt than watch you suffer." Garroth said, as Aaron nodded. "Aaron, why was Balto looking for me?" I asked. "He's working with the Shadow Knights. They want to capture you, I think it's because you have some kind of relic thing in you." Aaron replied, mumbling the last part. "Wait, is Aaron the werewolf who saved you from the Shadow Knights a few days ago?" Garroth asked, as Aaron and I nodded.
"L-let's start going home." I said, still shaken up. Garroth and Aaron nodded and started walking towards my house. "Aaron, if you don't mind me asking, why did you save Aphmau the first time?" Garroth asked. "I-I
l-l-l-l-love h-h-her." Aaron mumbled, and started blushing. Garroth looked shocked. "So that's you, Garroth, and Laurence. Ugh... Can I tell you guys something?" I asked. They both nodded and I said, "I like both of you and Laurence. I-I can't choose, and prom is coming up. I-I don't want to s-say no to anyone." "Aphmau, I don't mind if you choose Garroth or Laurence over me, as long as you're happy." Aaron said. "Aphmau, I would love to be chosen by you but I can't force you to love me. Choose who you will be the happiest with." Garroth said. "I CAN'T CHOOSE!" I yelled, on the verge of tears as Laurence started to walk towards us. "What's all the yelling about?" Laurence asked, nonchalantly. I looked down, as a tear escaped my eye, "N-nothing... I have to go home." I mumbled and started running home.

~At Aphmau's House~

(Aphmau:Shu, FC:FC)

Shu: Hey FC. Can you talk?

FC: Not much, but what's wrong?

Shu: Three of my best friends like me and I like them, but I don't want our friendship to be torn apart at prom.

FC: So a... love square?

Shu: Yeah, kinda...

FC: I have to go get ready to study with my friend, see you later.

Shu: Same, one of my friends, from the love square, is coming over to study.

FC: Okay, bye Shu.

Shu: Bye, FC.

Texting Ends

Aaron's P.O.V

As I walked over to Aphmau's house I thought about how similar Shu's life is compared to Aphmau's. They are both in a love square, they both like all three guys back, and they are both going to have a study date with one of the guys from the love square. IS APHMAU SHU!?!

~At Aphmau's House~

"Hello, Aphmau." I greeted, as she gestured for me to come in. I stepped inside and we went into her room. "Aphmau, I was just wondering, do you know anyone called FC?" I asked. She looked shocked, "I don't know, do you know anyone named Shu?" "Y-yeah, that's my intern- ARE YOU SHU?!?" I shouted. "ARE YOU FC?!?" She screeched. "Oh my Irene! I never thought I would meet FC in person, much less already know him." Aphmau said. "Shu, will you go to prom with me? A-as f-friends if
i-it's too a-awkward..." I asked, blushing. "YESSS!" Aphmau yelled, hugging me. "S-so a-as f-friends
o-or..." I mumbled. "I don't know. Do you want to do it as a date?" she asked. "Y-yeah." I replied. "THEN IT'S A DATE!" she shouted, excited. "Aphmau, what's going on in here?" said Aphmau's mom, barging in. "Mom! Aaron asked me to prom and I said yes!" Aphmau replied. "Oh no. Aaron, come with me please." Aphmau's mom said, as Aphmau rolled her eyes. I followed her to the living room when she turned around and sat me down on the couch. "DON'T YOU DARE BREAK MY DAUGHTER'S HEART! Please, take care of her. I hope you know the trouble that comes with her." Aphmau's mom warned and sent me upstairs. "So... how'd it go?" Aphmau asked. "Good. I just got a small lecture. Do you know what your mom means by "the trouble that comes with you"?" I questioned. "Not really. I'm guessing it has to do with the relic and the Shadow Knights." Aphmau guessed. "It's getting late, I should get going see you at school, Shu." I said as I kissed her cheek, she blushed and I started walking home.

Aphmau's P.O.V

HE KISSED ME!!! I know that it was only on the cheek but it was still a kiss!

~The Next Day at School~

"A-A-Aphmau... I-I w-w-was w-wondering if y-you w-w-w-want
t-to g-g-go to p-p-p-prom
w-w-with m-m-m-me?" Garroth stuttered as we were walking to school. "I-I-I... G-Garroth..." I said, looking down. "If you don't want to we don't have to go as a date, we could go as friends." Garroth explained. "I-I-I n-never wanted t-to t-tell you this b-but... I-I'm going
t-to prom w-with... A-Aaron." I said, on the verge of tears. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING WITH AARON?!?" Laurence yelled from behind me.
"I-I'm g-going to p-prom w-with... A-Aaron." I said to Laurence. They both looked heartbroken. I couldn't hold the flood back anymore, I started to cry. "W-why are you crying?" Garroth asked. "Aaron asked me first so I agreed. That doesn't mean that I will completely ignore you guys at prom. We can have a triple date. Aaron and I aren't dating, so you guys have a chance." I explained as Aaron came up to us. "AARON!" I exclaimed as he lifted me up from behind. Garroth and Laurence both looked like they were going to punch him at any moment. "Well... I need to get to class... see ya later!" I said, as I started walking towards class; not wanting to be in the middle of that fight.

Author's Note:

Who should Garroth and Laurence take to prom?

Word Count: 1560

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