Yes or No?

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Aphmau's P.O.V

WHAT SHOULD I SAY?!? I don't want to ruin my friendship with Laurence and Garroth but I love Aaron. "I-I... y-y-yes." I replied, small tears coming out of the corners of my eyes. Aaron smiles and wipes the tears away with his thumb. "Aphmau, I love you." Aaron says. "I love you too." I reply. "Aph, why are you crying?" he asks, after seeing more tears fall down my cheeks; like streams of emotion. "I-I... I don't want to ruin my friendship with Laurence and Garroth. When Laurence finds out he might declare war against you. Garroth with be mad for a few days, a week at most, and then come to his senses and realize that he needs to ~let it go~." I said, emphasizing 'let it go'. Aaron rolled his eyes and said, "Tell Garroth and Laurence at the same time, so that one of them doesn't fell like you like the other more." I nodded and texted Garroth and Laurence to go to my house at 6:30 P.M. They agreed.

~6:30 P.M.~

Once everyone arrived I led them into the backyard. "So... u-um... I invited you over to t-tell you something..... I'mdatingAaron." I said, really fast. "AARON! HOW DID YOU BRIBE HER INTO THIS?!?" Laurence yelled. "I didn't bribe her into anything. She agreed of her own free will." Aaron explained. "Aphmau, as long as you're happy, I'm happy. Aaron, don't you DARE do anything to hurt her." Garroth warned, as I hugged him. "Thank you, so much." I said to Garroth. "For what?" he asked. "For not taking it in a bad way, like Laurence." I explained. "As I said, I'm happy if you are." Garroth said. "Hang on for a second. I think I need to help Aaron." I looked over at Aaron. Laurence was in his Shadow Knight form and Aaron was in his werewolf form. "GUYS, STOP IT!" I yelled. "No. He stole you from me." Laurence said, pointing his sword at Aaron. "L-Laurence... p-please
d-don't hurt him..." I pleaded. "Are you blind!?! He tricked you into this! He's nothing but trouble!" Laurence yelled, moving his sword towards Aaron. I ran up to Laurence and kissed him, on the lips, to save Aaron. "A-Aphmau... I-I'm so sorry... I-I got really mad that I didn't get you in the end... a-and..." Laurence apologized. "Laurence... it's okay. Don't worry about it. Nobody got hurt." I said. "Aaron... can I talk to you, please?" I asked. He agreed and changed back into his human form, so did Laurence. I feel really bad for kissing Laurence. How will Aaron take it? I led Aaron into the kitchen. "A-Aaron, I'm so sorry. I just didn't want anyone to get hurt so... I kissed him to bring him back a-and..." I explained, once we got into the house. "Aphmau, it's okay. I understand what you did and why you did it. I'm not mad at you," Aaron said. "Thank you. I was really worried that you would get mad and break up with m-" I started to say. "I would never break up with you. No matter how much you try to get rid of me," Aaron interrupted. "I would NEVER try to get rid of you," I mocked offense. "I love you," Aaron said. "I love you too," I replied. We started to lean in when we were interrupted by Garroth yelling, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO RUB IT IN! GET A ROOM!" We laughed and went into my room. I hugged Aaron, "Do you think that Garroth and Laurence will act differently around us," I asked. "Of course. Two of their friends are dating and one of them is their crush. I would be surprised if they didn't," Aaron replied. I got up and went to open the door, Laurence fell into my room from leaning on the door. I rolled my eyes and helped him get up. "Why were you spying on us," I inquired. "Just to make sure that nothing happened," he replied, I slapped him. "That's not a reason to eavesdrop," I scolded, "Now, go apologize to Aaron." Laurence nervously walked up to Aaron, "S-sorry for spying on y-you."Aaron nodded. "Um... It's getting late. We should probably get going," Garroth came into my room and suggested. "Yeah, I'm going to bed soon. Does anyone want or need to stay over for the night," I asked. "I'll stay over," all three boys said in unison. "Okay, run back to your houses to get some clothes and come back here," I instructed. The boys agreed and ran out the front door. Men... I rolled my eyes.

Author's Note

Prom will be occurring in one of the next three chapters. Sorry, I don't want to rush anything. 

Word Count:814

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