Chapter 1

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Drip...Drip...Drip...the trickling water broke young Lexi's concentration. She looked around...the walls were covered in many hues of the ocean was surrounding them...wait them? Her eyes shifted suddenly as she noticed the small, blue clown like sea lion...with a light blue frill along his neck and a pink clown nose. He smiled happily as he did a small back flip, revealing his small, yet puppy-like ears. Lexi held her hand out to touch the small creature only to wake up suddenly, her arm outstretched towards the celling.



Popplio shook his head awake. Slightly startled by the dream and slightly intrigued by it as well...what was that? He started pacing in his small dog bed. WHO was that? Wait...what's a who...further more...what am I...or more likely...who am I? Am I using that correctly? Popplio's small panic continued. No wait...more importantly...who was that that appeared in my dream? The Sea lion quickly reimagined the short, orange haired girl who had calm, brown eyes that reminded him of Litten.

HOOT! Rowlet hooted in horror at the time that Popplio had woken him up at...12:00 am...exactly on the nose. The light brown owl with a green, leaf bow tie ruffled up his feathers. Popplio...what is it now?

Say that name again...Popplio. The sea lion replied, intrigued by the name.

Popplio? Anyway, let me go back to sleep... Rowlet sighed while going back into his sleeping position. Quickly and swiftly, Popplio jumped onto the poor tired owl, hugging him annoyingly.

ROWLET~! NOOOOOO! I want answers~! Popplio whined. He was like a puppy that really wanted to go on a walk. did I know your name was Rowlet? What is a Rowlet anyway...what's answers?! I have so many questions...wait WHAT ARE QUESTIONS!? Answer me Rowlet!

You say you know none of those words yet you used all of them to speak...Rowlet grumbled unhappily.

SLAM! A rouge pillow whizzed past the middle of the owl and sea lion. Quickly, the pair shifted their eyes towards the black cat with red stripes all over his body.

Litten! Popplio smiled happily as he ran up to hug the sleepy, yet calm, cat. Skillfully, Litten dodged the high speeding Popplio. Running the poor sea lion straight into the wall.

Popplio...why are you up? We have things to do tomorrow. Litten's voice seemed to have little to no emotion to it at all....though if you listened carefully, you can hear the concern in his seeming unwavering voice.

I was asking Rowlet some questions though...Like what "Who" is...or what a "what" is.

The ask him we go to sleep. The kitten lifted Popplio over his shoulders and began to walk back to bed.




Lexi sighed, disorientated by everything that was going through her mind...what was that thing and...what does Popplio mean? Lexi, of course, had no idea exactly what the answers were, but she decided to note it down in her dream journal and call it a night.

Beep Beep Beep Time to wake up! Beep beep beep- Lexi groggily slammed her fist into the snooze button. "Time to wake up..."

She grunted sleepily as she staggered over to her dresser to get ready for school. Monday's were the worst...she combed her hair neatly when suddenly, a figure caught her eye through the window.

Zip! A figure with brown hair and cream colored fur coming out of her neck ran past the window like a blitz of lightning.

"What was that..." Lexi mumbled while grabbing her bag. She walked downstairs and ran out the door.


Bzzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt- "This is Hikaru, what seems to be the problem?" The little girl with brown hair and cream fur (That was actually a scarf) asked. Her eyes were a soft brown as well. She had a small, ghost-like figure of a brown fox-like creature (that also had cream neck fur), following the high-speeding 7 year old.

"This is base, we seem to be narrowing in on the mysterious careful. He looks dangerous." A voice staticed from the radio in Hikaru's hand. Her brown eyes shifted at the boy with orange hair quickly burst into flames as his hair turned a dark red. Hikaru quickly noted the Red, salamander-like creature that stood behind the boy.

"Eevee....The boy just evolved into Charmeleon...Call for back up." Hikaru sighed while moving into a fighting stance. "I'll try to handle him from here."

Okay...but be careful might be dangerous! Eevee's radio popped out of Hikaru's belt. This is Eevee requesting back up. We found the boy in question. He had just evolve and is about to evolve further...please hurry.

"Right, will do. We'll see who's in the area." The radio cut off with a Bzzzt and it was back to Hikaru who was trying to calm the boy down.

You better hurry have school too you know.

The 7 year old groaned. "This is going to be a long day..."

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