Chapter 4

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" is this possible..." Lexi mumbled. "What are you and Eevee exactly..."

"Like I said...I am Eevee's vessel...but Eevee a Pokemon."

"What's a Pokemon?" The 14 year old sighed while running her fingers through her hair.

Hikaru took out the same small device from earlier and tapped a button in the middle of it. BZZZT A hologram of a small, orange, salamander-like creature popped up out of it, rotating slightly. "This is a's a Pokemon."

"I gathered that..."

"Right...behind the world of Pokemon." FLASH! The light of the hologram consumed Lexi and the transformed Hikaru. The 14 year old blinked as she opened her eyes, finding herself in a small area full of houses next to a sign that read "Pallet Town".


"Long ago...there were two of the humans and one of the Pokemon...however Hoopa-" A small Djin like creature started floating around them. "-took interest in the humans on the other he made a portal to there with his rings. The humans traded with Pokemon...and all was well...until...the humans got greedy."


Yeah...They started killing other Pokemon...even going so far as to do it for a sport, so Hoopa was forced to close the portal...however...some humans were still stuck in the pokèmon was some Pokemon in the human one... Eevee narrated. You could see the fox-like Pokemon looking quite sad as she spoke.

"That being said...the Pokemon in the human world evolved into the animals we know today...all except a few...we called them the lost ones." Hikaru smiled while petting the Eevee which was already barely visible. "A mutation in their genes allow them to return to their Pokemon state...though usually only one of those Pokemon can really exist at a time...since it's so rare."

"Hmmm...what does that have to do with Vessels?"

Vessels can harness the powers of the Pokemon that were mutated into this world... however...the vessel needs to have a similar DNA structure as the Hikaru is to me... Eevee continues while perching on Hikaru's shoulder. It's not all chocolates and flowers though.

"Right...a lot of time, the Pokemon merges with the human, causing the human to become confused and scared...this makes for a lot of destruction and mayhem if you ask me." The 7 year old shrugged. "And that's why the V.C.S or the Vessel Capture Squad was founded...however...they treat vessels like they aren't human anymore and they lock them up..."


"Ah! But a group of vigilantes...the P.A.V.E.R.S or the Pokemon And Vessel Elite Rescue Squad treats everyone really nicely...they use vessels to capture the ones that are confused and rampaging through the city."

"I see...what does this have to do with me?"

"...did you have a dream...where you're surrounded by a certain element...and with you is a small creature you don't recognize?"

"Yes...but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Hm...this is easier than I thought." The area around them faded back into the normal.


Hikaru stretched slightly, her transformation not wearing off. She wasn't expecting it to be this easy...considering past attempts have ended with the V.C.S coming in and messing up her mission- Wait...isn't that- Oh no. Hikaru shifted her eyes at a certain fiery fox that had a striking resemblance to Eevee.

Ray, I found them. The bright orange-red fox smiled calmly. The boy with cream hair.

"Good job. Hello little sister..." Ray moved with certainty as he tapped the middle of his device. A cream scarf appears around his neck and the rest of his clothes becomes the shade of his fiery partner. "Let me're not going to hand over the girl behind you, are you?"

Hikaru fixed her stance and nodded.

"Well then...this will be fun!"

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