Chapter 7

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Ollie covered his ears quickly. What in the world has he gotten himself into now? He glanced over at Lexi.

"What's a code red?" Lexi asked while taking out a small blue flip phone like device with white wings coming out of it. Popplio, which Ollie assumed was that weird sea lion
thing next to Lexi, looked up at his partner, waiting for directions.

"A fire-type Pokemon and his vessel have met and they're on a rampage...." Ame sighed while flipping her device in the air and catching it. "We'll be heading out, come on Seel."

Right! The two of them transformed as they ran out the door. Ollie wasn't sure what to make of all of this. Why the heck were they all, so unconcerned that he was watching them?

"Popplio, us too."


Ollie watched as his childhood friend transformed into a weird, clown-like form and followed quickly after Ame. He worriedly tried to run after them, but their sudden impressive speed caught him off guard.

"Lex, wai-" it was too late. The two of them ran forward leaving Ollie behind by the door. He sighed, a bit annoyed, but mostly frustrated in himself. He was going to tell her about the dream he had last night, but...he didn't even think she had the answers. With a determined grunt, Ollie continued to follow them.


Popplio!? Where are you?! Rowlet shouted out, though having very little concern for his friend.

Louder. Litten sat on Rowelt's back nudged him worryingly. Rowlet rolled his eyes and called again louder. Yes, Rowlet was worried about Popplio, but he knew that his friend, being the enthusiastic sea lion that he was, would be just fine on his own. Frankly, Litten's instance on trying to find him was even more worrying to him.

He has to be here somewhere.... Litten said while shouting louder POPPLIO?!

Would you give it a rest? You're going to make my ear drums explode!? Rowlet grumbled as  he tried to shake off the ringing noise in his ear. Suddenly, a small pang hit his heart, like he needed to go find someone that he hasn't seen in a long time. Rowlet changed directions.

Rowlet? What are you doing?


Rowlet? Litten's voice mellowed out from Rowlet's mind as he followed the mysterious feeling.


"Bzzzt! This is base, Ame, Hikaru, do you copy?"

"Ame speaking, we can hear you."

"Bzzzt! Good, what's the details on the target?"

"The Pokemon..." Ame hesitated. "I've never seen it before..."

"What?! That's impossible...we have a database of all Pokemon..." Her radio rang out in surprise.

"This different- I'm sorry, I have to go, bye!" Ame reattached her radio to her belt and dived after Hikaru and Lexi, who were having a little trouble. The Pokemon and its vessel roared, knocking them all back slightly. What's going on?

"LEX!" Ollie called out. His friend seemed to be miles away from him...unable to hear Ollie at all. He sighed. What if I never find her...what if she gets in trouble? What if- His thoughts were quickly dispersed by a strangely familiar sound. was that sound again....that sound of gasping for air...Lexi! Ollie didn't waste anytime to run towards the sound only to watch helplessly as she was being constricted by the mighty grip of the small child, conflicting with the huge dinosaur-like being behind her. Ame and Hikaru were collapsed on the ground, unconscious definitely.

"Lexi..." Ollie could feel a shiver of cowardice crawl up and down his spine. The cold sweat along his palms panicked as he stood there, unsure of the next move. Lexi must've spotted him because she looked over with a small glance, full of worry. Ollie...has seen this look before. Before the memory could resurface, he decided to take action.

"Hold on...I'm coming." He mumbled while picking up a random stick. Getting ready to strike, this coward wasn't going to stand by and cower in fear. Koo! Koo! Ollie turned his head towards the clouds. "Rowlet..."

Flying down quickly and gracefully, a round owl landed on his shoulder. Ollie instinctively went to go pat it on the head, observing the leafy bow-tie and light brown feathers.

...You help her...right?


Then, let's do that together, Oliver. With a flash, Ollie could feel a strange power surge through his body. His bones felt stronger and his eyes it felt sharper. Looking down at his clothing he could see that he was wearing a light brown tuxedo with a green bow tie.

"Here goes nothing..." he mumbled. Quickly, he could feel his invisible wings push him upward as he suddenly felt himself towering over his friend.

Use Leafage!

Without question, he materialized three random quills into his hand and threw it at the girl. She dodged it, letting Lexi escape.

Lexi gasped for air as she looked up at her best friend. "Ollie...?"

Swiftly and Silently, Ollie kept using Leafage to pin down the little girl. She struggled, the transparent Pokemon behind her roaring. Ollie was about to attack again when a voice caught his attention.

"'s okay, no one's going to hurt you." Hikaru suddenly replied. Her voice was soft and sweet like honey. She hobbled over towards the girl and patted her on the head. "Everything's going to be okay..."

The towering creature behind roared again.

"I two are scared...don't worry..." Hikaru nodded at Eevee as their transformation wore off. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Slowly, the monster faded back into existence and the girl fell into Hikaru's arms, crying and hugging her.

"Everything is going to be okay..."

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