Chapter 5

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Lexi watched as Hikaru began to dash towards the new, mysterious boy....well...he did say he was Hikaru's a little less mysterious. The boy smirked as he extended his arm. BOOF! A "star" of fire appeared from his hand and pushed Hikaru back.

"'s our HP doing?"

He's definitely gotten careful...

"Thanks." Hikaru fixed her stance again. The boy cracked his neck the came rushing towards her, flames covering him on all sides. She quickly studied her opponent then pointing her hand at the ground in front of him. BRRRRiiiink! A bunch of stars bursted from her hand, stopping her brother in his tracks.

Hikaru started moving quickly again and ran into the boy with all she got.

The boy took no time to regain his stature as he bit into Hikaru's neck, fire surrounding his mouth.

Hikaru yelped in anguish as he threw her into the wall.

"Heh. Try've gotten even softer than last time." The boy started walking towards Hikaru, a fire ignited on his hand. Lexi stood there, helpless to do anything.

What do I do...what do I do....Lexi looked frantically for a solution, though it seemed hopeless.

Do you want to help her? I can help you do that. Lexi's eyes fixated on the sea lion like creature that now stood next to her.

"...Popp...lio?" Lexi mumbled a little on instinct. The fourteen year old looked surprised in herself, but it felt right. " me." Everything felt natural...this was something she needed to do. She crouched down next to him, extending her arm to touch him.

FLASH! A bright flash of light filled the area, a small blue device now appeared in Lexi's hand. She looked at her new partner for directions.

Click the sides then press the button in the middle! I'll figure out the rest from there! Popplio smiled determinedly. Lexi nodded as she did as she was told. With another flash, she was wearing a blue dress with clown-like frills at the bottom. She could feel the small, puppy-like ears that were now attached to her head. Behind her, she didn't even need to see him to feel his undeniable presence.


Well...I've never done this before...but isn't it fun! Come on! Use Water Gun!

"What? Like this?" Lexi pointed her hand like a gun at the boy and then quickly "shot" it at him. SPLASH! As if in an instant, a strong stream of water squirted out of her hand and into his face. "That was...oddly satisfying."

"Gah! Hey, Two against one is no fair-"

SPLASH! SPLASH! Lexi used both of her hands to shoot at him, no hesitation at all.

This isn't good, Ray, we're a fire-type...this water is actually doing something! The fiery fox replied nervously.

That's not all, try using the bubbles! A giant bubble appeared in front of her. The fourteen year old nodded as she jumped onto the bubble and sprung high into the air.

"Throw one onto that wall...I'm going to try something." Popplio nodded at this request as a bubble formed onto the school's wall. Boing! Lexi used the bubble to go straight into the boy, she slapped him.

How'd you figure out how to use Pound?

"THAT'S AN ACTUAL MOVE!?" Lexi exclaimed in surprise. Popplio nodded.

"Thanks Lexi...jump." Hikaru stood up and extended her hand again. Lexi quickly jumped out of the way as more stars started to run at the boy at a high speed. He was utterly destroyed and his transformation broke.

"Good job for your first go." Hikaru smiled as her transformation wore off. Eevee landed softly onto Hikaru's shoulder as she raised up her hand to give Lexi a high five. Lexi nodded, she held Popplio in one hand and High-fived Hikaru with the other. Though she didn't know it at first, this was the birth of a beautiful partnership.

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