I Can't Sleep

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There was something magical that happened on a beautiful summer night in my hometown. Something that I never expected would happen in a million years.

I was asleep in my bedroom, having a restless night like I always do. I tossed and turned for what felt like an eternity, trying to gain the precious sleep I needed.

Unfortunately, that never happened. My mind was active almost the entire night with worrisome thoughts taking over my head, all thanks to my anxiety. Yep, that's right. I have anxiety. I've had it ever since I can remember. It really sucks to have anxiety because you can't function like a normal human being. You're constantly worrying about the littlest things, you over think almost all the time about everything, and you stress nonstop leaving your body in a frantic mode you can't seem to escape.

Long story short, anxiety is not fun at all.

At around 3 am, I woke up to the sound of an acoustic guitar playing the most beautiful chords I've ever heard. And then came the sound of an angelic voice I would never get tired of hearing.

"In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came,

that voice which calls to me,

and speaks my name.

And do I dream again? For now I find

the phantom of the opera is there

inside my mind."

At this point, I had gotten out of bed and went over to the window. I opened it and looked down to see him. The boy I've been in love with since first grade.

His spiky blond and brown hair was still the same as I remembered, his sea green eyes shined brightly with the moon's light, and his beautiful smile was to die for. He was sitting in the grass underneath the willow tree right next to my window. The guitar he always use to play when he would sing me to sleep was in his lap as he strummed the chords effortlessly.

"Sing once again with me our strange duet;

my power over you grows stronger yet.

And though you turn from me to glance behind,

the phantom of the opera is there

inside your mind.

Those who have seen your face

draw back in fear.

I am the mask you wear,

it's me they hear.

Your spirit and my voice in one combined;

the phantom of the opera is there

inside your mind.

He's there the phantom of the opera.

Beware the phantom of the opera.

In all your fantasies, you always knew

that man and mystery

were both in you.

And in this labyrinth where night is blind,

the Phantom of the opera is here

inside your mind..."

He looked up at me with those dazzling eyes I could easily drown myself in and bit his lip, waiting to see how I would react.

I smiled the biggest smile I could muster, tears stinging in my eyes.

"Dalton, that was beautiful. I-I loved it."

He grinned. "I'm glad you liked it, (Y/N)."

"So, why did you decide to come to my house and sing to me?" I asked out of curiosity.

He sighed. "Because I....wanted to confess something to you, (Y/N). Something I should've confessed to you a long time ago, but was too afraid to do it."

I stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I.....love you, (Y/N). Not as a friend, but more than that. I love your smile, your laugh, and just everything about you. You're such a nice, caring, fun, silly, and beautiful person that I love to be around because you always give off positive energy. Even though you have anxiety, you manage to fight it off and act like a normal person and I admire you for that. You've gone through so much but somehow managed to stay strong through all of it. You may not realize this, (Y/N), but you're an inspiration to me. You've not only helped yourself, but you've always helped me with my bipolar disorder and I can never thank you enough for that. And the day I realized all of this was the day I knew I was in love with you."

By this point, I was almost in tears.

"So, (Y/F/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), will you do the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" He said looking up at me with hopeful eyes.

I held up one finger and mouthed, 'One second,' and quickly and quietly went downstairs trying not to wake up my parents, and met Dalton out front. I noticed he looks nervous, but hopeful as he still waited for my answer.

I did the unexpected and kissed him. He didn't kiss back at first, but then he eventually did. I tangled my hands in his soft hair as he placed his arms around my waist, pulling me more into him as we kissed passionately under the moonlight. As cheesy as this may sound, it's like me and Dalton were made for each other.

Finally, we pulled away from each other and I replied, "Yes, Dalton. I'll be your girlfriend."

He grinned and picked me up, spinning me around before planting me back on my feet and kissing me.

Let's just say that I ended up getting the best sleep I've gotten in what feels like forever and I couldn't stop smiling that night.

Dalton Rapattoni ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now