Turn To Stone

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A/N: This is kind of a continuation of the last imagine and it's going to be depressing so if you don’t like to read or can’t handle depressing stuff, then I wouldn’t recommend reading this.

If you guys haven't already, you should go and buy Turn to Stone on iTunes or illegally download it from YouTube like I did ;) lol. It's such a beautiful, moving, and powerful song and I just love it so much. Also the song is on the side if you wanna listen to it and I would suggest having a box of tissues next to you.

Hope you guys enjoy and don’t forget to comment, vote, and follow!

Stay strong ❤


Two weeks had passed since my wonderful boyfriend, Dalton, sang that song he wrote for me and I can’t get it out of my head. It was so beautiful and powerful and I just absolutely loved it. I loved it so much that I would catch myself singing it randomly while I’m doing chores around the house or writing stories I hope to publish in the future.

I was sitting at my desk writing my latest story when I suddenly felt really queasy. That’s when I jumped up and ran towards the bathroom, barely making it before I threw up what felt like all my organs into the toilet. But it wasn't organs I threw up.

It was blood.

Dark, thick red blood that was scattered in clumps in the toilet water.

I gasped for air as I felt my throat close in significantly, cutting off the air supply that I needed to live.

Not even a minute later, I could see black dots clouding my vision as I felt myself go weak and then the world around me faded into a black nothingness.


Dalton's POV

“I'll stand by you when you’re standing in front of heaven's door. Holding you in my arms till death do us part, I won’t let go….”

My phone rang and I left the piano behind as I walked over to my phone and picked it up.


“Dalton….” I heard my friend Will cry on the other end of the line.

“Will? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I asked, worried.

“(Y/N) is in the hospital.”

In that very moment, my heart felt as if it had been torn out of my chest and shattered into a million pieces.

“O-okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can.” I said, my voice cracking.

I hung up and grabbed my keys, heading outside into the dark and bitter cold night. I quickly got into my black camero and drove to the hospital, fighting the tears that threatened to leave my eyes.

Dalton Rapattoni ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now