His Secret

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^^^Pic above is how I picture Dalton in this. Also he's gonna be a vampire cause why not?

Enjoy you beautiful people :)


I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was absolutely gorgeous.

With his luscious and spikey blond hair, his sea green eyes, and his beautiful facial and body structure, he was the definition of perfect. Almost as soon as he walked through the doors of (Y/S/N) [your school name] I knew there was something.....different about him. I just couldn't put my finger on it. However, I was very intrigued by his intimidating bad boy look he had going on literally wearing all black from head to toe.

Not even a minute after he walked through the door, two of the most popular girls at school, Rebecca and Ashley, approach him while twirling their fake nails through their bleached blond hair.

"Hey cutie, wanna go on a date with me?"

"Or me?" they asked in their snobby voices as they started touching his chest.

I could tell he was really uncomfortable and annoyed at the same time.

"Uh, sorry girls, but I'm not interested," he said while shoving them off.

"Whatever, you're not that hot anyway," Ashley scoffed.

They both rolled their eyes and walked away.

I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of him even after he shoved them away. I don't know why, but I felt like I was strongly attracted to him.

Then, his eyes turned to look at me.

I gasped, completely stunned by the beauty of his gorgeous eyes staring into mine. They were seriously so breathtaking. As cliché as this may sound, I could look into his eyes forever.

Stop! You can't fall for him so fast! He probably doesn't even like you.

I don't know how long we stated at each other, but it wasn't until the bell rang that I snapped out of my daze.

"Damn, he's sexy as hell," Sarah said as he disappeared from our sight.

"Yeah," I agreed, still blown away by his good looks.

"Well, let's get to class before Mr. Burnham kicks our butts."


Two weeks pass and me and the new guy who I learned was named Dalton haven't stopped staring at each other. Sarah keeps teasing me about it saying that I like him, but I keep denying her even though my feelings for him grew stronger and stronger each day. Hell, I even had dreams about the guy almost every night, which is weird.

I noticed as I've been observing him from afar that he seems to be ghostly pale compared to everyone else. And his eyes seemed to change red sometimes during class out of nowhere, which was really strange.

Maybe he has some eye disorder or something.

But never have I ever met someone who's eyes did that. It's not even humanly possible unless.....

No. He can't be. There's no way.

"Whatcha thinking about, (Y/N)?" Sarah asked me at lunch, snapping me out of my thoughts.

That's when I realized I had been staring at Dalton who was sitting all by himself. *Cue Celine Dion lmao*

Surprisingly, he wasn't looking at me. Instead, he was staring hard outside the window of the cafeteria almost as if he was expecting someone to burst through at any moment.

Dalton Rapattoni ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now