He Loves You

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Dalton's gonna be 15 in this one and this is gonna be based off of my dream I had the other night. Hope you guys like it!


I was laying on my bed while on my laptop, scrolling through Tumblr like I always did every day since I had no life until I heard my phone ding, letting me know I had a text.

I picked my phone off of my dresser and saw it was my best friend Dalton who I had been friends with since we were in kindergarten.

Hey! Do you wanna come hang out with me and my friend Will?

I furrowed my eyebrows, unable to recognize the name. I swear I've heard Dalton say his name before though....

This is probably a dumb question, but who's Will?

He's the new guy I introduced you to the other day at lunch. The asian looking guy.

Oh yeah! I remember him now. Sorry, I had a brain fart xD

Haha it's cool. So do you wanna hang out or what?

Sure. Where at?

I was thinking the library downtown since Will doesn't have internet at his house and he's been dying to play this online computer game. Is that okay? I mean, it's totally cool if you don't wanna hang with us since it's kind of lame xD

No! That's fine! I've got nothing else better to do anyway lol

Haha alright. Will and I will meet you at the bus stop in a few.

Okay see you then :)

After I got myself dressed up and ready, I met up with Dalton and Will at the bus stop and we got on the bus.

It was about a 30 minute drive there since we lived on the country side of the town. Will was reading a book while me and Dalton listened to his music with his headphones. That was one thing we both had in common, we both loved the same kind of music. Dalton kept making silly faces as he would lip sync each song that came on and I just giggled, trying not to be too loud since there were other people on the bus. He's such a dork, but I love him.

Finally, we arrive at the library. We got off the bus and walked into the library, heading towards the computer room towards the back of the building. Luckily, there were three seats available so we sat down and started doing our own thing on the computer.

A couple hours passed and it wasn't until I looked around that I noticed the room was dark and nobody was here. I started freaking out and got out of the room only to see everyone piling out of the library. I didn't see Will or Dalton and that scared me. I hated being left alone in public. I always feared someone would kidnap me and kill me while I was left alone.

Once I managed to get out of the library, I frantically looked around to see any sign of Dalton or Will.

"Dalton! Will!" I yelled, my voice echoing into the distance.

Then, I saw Dalton running over to me from the gas station nearby. He pulled me in for a hug as soon as he reached me, burying his face into my neck.

"Oh my god, I am so so so sorry I left you alone like that, (Y/N)! I got sidetracted talking to Will that I forgot about you." He said sounding really guilty as he looked down at me with those beautiful blue and green eyes.

No, stop it! You can't like him! He's your friend!

But I do.....

"It's okay, Dalton. Really." I smiled, cupping his cheek with my hand.

He smiled back and hugged me again.

"Well, I guess we better get home before our parents kill us." He said with a frown.

"Yeah..." I sighed, not wanting to leave Dalton.

We hopped back on the bus and sat down in our usual seat.

"Wait, where's Will?" I asked, noticing he wasn't with us.

"Oh, his mom picked him up since he went past his curfew."

"I bet he's grounded for that." I laughed.

He chuckled. "Yeah, I'm sure he is."

We sat there in silence for a while. I was gazing out into the night, watching as all the buildings, cars, people, and city lights pass by in a blur. As weird as this may sound, I really like observing the world around me when I go places.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Dalton asked me with a nervous tone.

I looked over at him. "Yes?"

He looked down at his lap playing with his bracelets, something he did when he was nervous. Then, he said the words I never thought I would hear come out of his mouth.

"I....really like you, (Y/N). More than a friend." He bit his lip, still looking down and playing with his bracelets.

My heart fluttered at his words. I can't believe it. He does like me the way I like him.

"I really like you, too, Dalton. I've actually liked you for a while now..." I trailed off, blushing at what I just said.

He looked up at me surprised. "Really?"

"Really." I confirmed, staring into his dazzling eyes that made me melt every time.

He started to lean in slowly and then his soft lips were on mine. We kissed each other with so much passion, so much love. His hands were on my cheeks, stroking them lightly in a loving way and that's when I knew he didn't just like me.

He loves me.

Just like I love him.

Dalton Rapattoni ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now