The Twelfth ✉️

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Published: 5/27/2016; Friday; 12:54am; Unedited

Double update because you all are great. 😂 and I think this is the longest chapter in this who book!!


"Did I come at a bad time?" Adrien asked,before blinking at the sight of his classmate cleaning the bakery he had entered, which had been recommended to him by Nino and Alya who he had passed by not too long ago, and decided that to sneak a few snacks. He hadn't, though, been expecting to see the shy girl from his class, in that moment of surprise, her name left his lips, "Marinette?"

She froze and whipped around, eyes wide in shock, "A-A-Adrien?!" She squeaked. Adrien focused on her eyes, but the distance between them made it hard to determine if they were the right shade. She went around the counter, leaning the bro against the wall, and looked down at the register, fiddling with her fingers, "W-what can you for I get-- wait, no, um--" she stopped, breathing in, "What can I get for you?" She cheered in her mind, she finally managed a proper sentence!

He smiled, the girl who was always nervous around him had finally stepped forward. He'd always seen her shrink into herself sometimes when trying t talk to him, which was a mess of words, he just figured he made her uncomfortable after--

He paused.

After what?

"Oh, uh," he stuttered, which was rare itself since he always knew what to say, "I passed Nino and Alya on the way here," he explained, "told me there was a bakery with delicious pastries. I though I'd come buy and grab some to-go, I have a secret sweet tooth, don't tell anyone." He winked at the end of the sentence, the girl who was looking up at him through thick lashes blushed furiously and nodded meekly.

"Which ones would you like?" She asked, grabbing a small to-go box, still not meeting his eyes. Adrien looked around at all the pastries, all looking extremely satisfying to his tastes, he hummed.

"Surprise me!" He chuckled, and he watched as she perked up and immediately started with a croissant, then a few macaroons, she added a couple more that looked absolutely delicious before closing the box and started ringing it up with ease. Adrien was shocked, the girl before him was usually so nervous, a wreck, but righ now she was calm and collected, she moved with ease and grace, it was enchanting to watch.

"I picked some of the rather, we, expensive ones, but since you're a classmate, I'll give you a discount," she informed him, a small smile on her lips.

He gasped, "I couldn't let you do that!"

"Don't worry about it," she laughed. Something about her laugh was familiar, but why? "It'll be £12.29." He payed that amount reluctantly since he didn't know the original price of the total. After receiving his change, he grabbed the box and smiled at Marinette, who looked up at him for the first time during the whole interaction.

"Thank you."

She smiled gently, her features softening in a way Adrien couldn't place at that moment, but the sight before him was beautiful.

"No problem, Adrien."

"See you tomorrow in class, Marinette."


She waved as he left, "Bye..." As soon as he left, she ran to the front, flipped the sign, cleaned the counter one last time, grappled the letter, shut off the lights of the bakery and ran up stairs to her room.

Collapsing on her bed, she stared wide eyed at her ceiling. Did that really just happen?


Adrien walked back home, calling out to Nathalie that he was back and running up to his room with the box of pastries. The moment he entered, he set the box on his desk and jumped on his bed, rolling over and staring at the ceiling.

His thoughts were jumbled, never had he thought that the shy Marinette could be so...alluring.

Then his mind returned to earlier, how he just figured he made her uncomfortable after-- after what?!

She sat up, running a hand through his hair.

He tried picking the gum off the chair, Chloe laughing behind him, he made a disgusted face as he kept up with his attempts. What did Chloe have against whoever sat here?

"What are you doing?!" A sweet voice yelled from behind him, making him jump and turn around to meet angry and annoyed--

"Blue-bell eyes," he whispered, snapping his eyes wide open. His mind picturing Marinette looking up at him, shyly, but the shade of her eyes wasn't right. He ruffled his hair, maybe it was the lighting in the bakery? Or maybe it's not her? "My head hurts from all this thinking." He groaned, flipping back down on his bed. "Just who are you, My Lady?"


My Sweet Adrien,

Do you have any idea what you do to me?

You can't just say that! I don't even know me! I just...

How can you be so sure of something like that? I'm just me...

I'm boring and not pretty, and I...

I'm really sorry.

You should really just forget about me.




Oh, Adrien did not like that one bit. How could she think of herself as boring and not beautiful?!

From the little things he remembers, he knows she's beautiful, inside and out. Like her.



Shaking his head, he began writing his reply, munching on the best croissant he's ever had-- he's going to have to stop by Marinette's bakery more often. Alya and Nino weren't kidding when they emphasized delicious pastries.


My Lady,

You wound me so!

You expect me to forget you, just like that? Like all these letters never happened? Like you don't exist?

I don't think so.

It'll take much more than that to get rid of this cat.

book one: letters to my love || adrinette [editing]Where stories live. Discover now