The Seventeenth ✉️

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Published: 01/07/2017; Saturday; 12:18am; Unedited

Ahahahahaha....hahahaha...ha........hi. Yeah. I know. It's been like three months. In my defense I was in a slump and haven't even been on Wattpad since November and have literally immersed myself in Yuri on Ice Fics on AO3. That was literally my life, and still is, for three months. I'm getting back into the groove okay? ;^;

Also, I burned my left hand and there's blisters on my fingers so this is kind of hard to type. u.u



Marinette sprinted away, rounding a corner and slamming herself onto the wall, hand clutching the material that covered her heart, face flushed and eyes wide.

That was too close for comfort.

She glanced into her purse, there sat a few more letters, readied for the next people to hand them to. She hadn't expected Adrien to use the little time he had until his ride arrived to find Rose, but now she could rest easily knowing that she can get the last of the letters out to the rest without being caught. She snapped her purse shut.

At least, she hoped.

She started for the stairs only to feel a tap on her shoulder. Confused, she turned around, already smiling in greeting but froze.

Oh no.

"Hey, Marinette! Sorry I interrupted you and Rose," he held an apologetic smile but she could see him looking into her eyes, her bluebell eyes.

Oh no.

"N-no, you're fine! I-I had already gotten the notes from her, I w-was just making small talk..." she trailed off, eyes flickering down to her shoes, fiddling with her fingers. "B-but I do have to go n-now...I have to help my parents w-with--" she froze. He knew that her parents owned a bakery. She had told him.

Oh no.

"With?" He tilted his head, smiling at her patiently. Marinette had always been one of the most intriguing classmates throughout the year. He blinked.

How had he met her again? When he first transferred, right?

"W-with boxes! We ordered a lot of stuff last week and they should be a-arriving today! So gotta go-- bye!" She waved at him before darting off to wherever her home was. Adrien started after her, eyes wide, before he chuckling and he himself went down the stairs to the car that was waiting for him outside.

Marinette was so strange.


"Thank you, Ivan," Marinette sighed, leaning back on the park bench and looking up at the sky. "But what am I going to do when he finally gets the last letter and he finds out it's me?"

"I'm sure he'll be happy it's you," Ivan frowned a the petite girl. "If he doesn't, just let us know, I'm sure we'd all talk to him."

"Please don't," she groaned, sliding her hands down her face. "Even if he doesn't like me the way I do him, I'll die happy knowing I finally told him after all these years."

"If he can't appreciate you for you and all you've done, he doesn't deserve you."

It was quiet for a while, and they both just watched the sky, the clouds as they pass by, and birds fly. It was a peaceful silence, and this was one of the things she enjoyed about hanging it with Ivan; welcomed silence.

"...thank you, Ivan, for being such a great friend."


It was the next day and Adrien had bought deeply about the latest hint.

He's big, and tough, but he has a heart of gold.

Adrien could think of two people, but only one truly fit that description. Kim, while big and tough, was in fact nice and actually shy about some things (like having a crush on Chloe), but no one has a heart of gold like Ivan.

So as he walked in the school, saying hello to his classmates and friends, and just to other kids from lower grades to be polite, he looked around for Ivan. It didn't take him long, as he was always with Mylène, and they usually hung out near one of the exit doors.

Making his way over to him, Ivan paused in a sentence with Mylène, who turned around to see what her boyfriend was looking at, and they both had a knowing look in their eyes, thought Ivan's was a bit intimidating.

"Good morning, Mylène, Ivan," he greeted, meeting both their eyes in the greeting but, he didn't look away from Ivan, " you have the letter?"

"I do," he nodded, taking it out of his pocket, and it was surprise it still neat, but he didn't just hand it over like the others, he drew back when Adrien reached for it and Mylène clicked her tongue, but said nothing. "You better take care of her or you won't just have me after you, Agreste."

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt her, at least, not intentionally, I promise." Adrien looked at him evenly, determination in his eyes and Ivan must have liked that, so he handed him the letter.

"I'll hold you to it."

"Thank you, Ivan. Be seeing you both," he waved and made his way to his class, opening the letter in hands carefully, unknowingly under the watch of Sabrina, who panicked at the information and scurried off to inform Chloe.

Marinette stepped out from around the corner after Adrien passed by just as he had opened the letter, staring at his back, her face blank but her eyes showed her uncertainty, and nervousness.

Her time hiding behind her letters would soon come to end, and she wasn't sure if she was ready.


You can find her staring at the clock, curious about time.

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