Chapter Three

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Chapter three

"Charlie, I swear if you don't come back here I will grab you by the balls, squeeze the juice from them and rip them off. If you're lucky enough, I might not make you eat them." It was official, Mouse went crazy. That had to be the fifth voicemail she left him. Each got even worse than the last.

For Charlie's sake, I hoped that he was far, far away. Somewhere she couldn't find him.

"I'm sorry to say this Ginger, but you're dating an idiot." Mouse looked like she was about to rip her own hair out, which wouldn't be a good thing, her shoulder-length hair was short enough.

"If he wasn't an idiot, I wouldn't be dating him. He makes me feel smart." Ginger said with a small laugh. Most girls would rip apart Mouse for talking badly about their boyfriend, but not Ginger, she joined in on the boyfriend bashing. It was one of the things I liked about her.

Once again, Mouse went to go call him again. Then suddenly, her car came pulling in with Charlie in the front seat. There were no damages to the car I could see, but that didn't mean he didn't do something stupid.

She looked relieved her car was back in one piece, but furious about him taking off in it.

"What the hell! Charlie, I'm so done with you." Mouse walked up to him and snatched the keys from his hands as he shook them in front of her with a smile plastered on his face.

"Calm down, rat." He responded in a not so sensitive way.

"Find your own way home." She walked off to her car with us following behind. It was best not to try and calm her down in these situations, it just made it worse.

"Come on, it was a joke. I'm sorry." Charlie's tone and attitude changed when he realized he'd really done it this time. Mouse didn't stop, she kept walking on. "I promise I'll quit messing with you." He sounded and looked sincere to me.

Mouse stopped walking and turned around. She looked at Charlie, eyeing him down. My guess is she was trying to see if he was just putting on a facade. It did seem like the Charlie thing to do, but for once, I believed he wasn't going to pull anymore stunts on Mouse.

"Fine, but one condition."

He put his head down, letting out a sigh in preparation for what Mouse was going to ask of him, "What?"

"Tell me what you did when you took your little joyride?"

"I just went around the block a few times." He shrugged like it wasn't anything big.

Bullshit. It was utter bullshit. There was no way he just took a few rounds around. We would've seen him if he did anyways.

"Liar." Mouse said without skipping a beat.

"It's the truth."

"You're telling me.. You, Charlie Dennit, just took a nice little stroll in my car around Marla's neighborhood?"

He shoved his hands in his pocket with a smile we all knew too well. "Okay, you caught me. I drove by Linney's house." He started to laugh, looking back on the memory. I was kind of scared of what he was going to say. "I waited till he looked at me and then I.. Well, I mooned him."

"Are you kidding me?" Mouse questioned. "You should of took me along! I hate that old bastard." She began to laugh and that's when I knew everything was back to normal.

Everyone got back into the same spots as last time in the car as we headed over to Lainey's house to drop her off so she could get ready for tonight at Mouse's house.

"Bye guys, see you soon." Lainey said her goodbyes as she got out of the car and walked up to her house. In the window we could Jackson waving to us before we drove off to Mouse's home.

"Don't you guys need to go get your things?" Mouse asked Ginger and Charlie as we drove away from Lainey and Jackson's house.

"Nah. Got all our stuff in here." Ginger said, patting her backpack and Charlie mimicked her.

"All of your things are in there?" I asked, kind of skeptical of how they could fit tents, clothes, and other necessities in their small packs. "Never mind." I turned back around in the seat, I was sure one of them would of retorted with a sarcastic comment if I let them answer.

Silence filled the car the rest of the way. I watched the passing by trees, it was still bright outside, mainly because it was three o' clock in the evening. Mouse watched the road, then there was Ginger and Charlie in the back, poking each other.

"We're here." Mouse spoke up as we pulled into her driveway. Ginger and Charlie jumped out of the car before it came to a complete stop.

"I'm pretty excited for this weekend." Ginger smiled and told us as we walked into Mouse's home.

"Same here and I brought drinks for us, just to pump up the fun a bit." Mouse said, opening her bag to reveal alcoholic beverages.

"That's my lady!" Charlie shouted, raising his hand for Mouse to give him a high five. And she did.

"I'm sick of waiting. Let's just go already!" Ginger grabbed her bag, ready to get on the road.

"For real?" Mouse asked.

"For real."

"Like right now?" She asked, being more clear with her words to see if Ginger was being serious.

"Right now." A grin stretched across Ginger's face. She seemed to be the most excited out of all of us.

"Alright, let's go." Mouse picked up a different pair of keys and began to walk out of the house. "Let me just leave a note for my parents. I don't want them to come home and freak out that I'm not there." Mouse grabbed a paper and pen, scribbling words onto the paper, then leaving it on the counter for her parents to see. "I'll call them later when we get there."

It was weird to make a spontaneous change in our plans, but at the same time it was exciting. Like an adrenaline rush straight through the veins.

All of us nearly raced out of the front door to her car. Charlie was out of the door first, pushing Ginger and I out of the way.

"Guys, wrong car." Mouse pointed out, walking towards a much bigger car than hers.

"Shotgun!" Charlie yelled before I could. He hopped in the passenger seat, while Ginger and I got in the back.

This car was much roomier and comfortable, not to mention you could seat seven in this car and there were six of us. Ginger and I got the middle seats. Lainey and Jackson could get the back seats that seated three people.

We were on the road, eager to travel. After we get our other friends, of course. Mouse picked up her phone and did what I assume was calling one of the twins to tell them the change of plans.

She held the phone to her ear, humming along to the waiting song before someone picked up. "We're leaving now, get your shit packed and ready." I could hear Mouse speaking to someone on the phone.

As we headed to their house, my eyes began to droop. All of the adrenaline was gone, I was about to crash as hard as someone who took several shots of expresso. The sunlight faded to blackness as my eyelids fell over my eyes. I didn't fight the sleep, I rested my head back and let sleep take me away.

Author's Note: I know the story starts off slow, but it will pick up and when it hits the action, it'll be worth it. Thanks to anyone who's reading.

Love, Anna. :)

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