Chapter 5 (Unknown Feelings)

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Chapter 5 (Unknown Feelings) <Maddie's Point of View>


I walked off the school bus, sighing deeply.  My Brandy Melville skirt swished from side to side as I walked into the large jail - err, school.  I had a jean jacket on with a dark gray crop top tee that ended right at the waist of my skirt, my hair in a waterfall braid.  The black and white All-Star high tops I was wearing guided my way toward my locker.  Numbly, my fingers entered my combo and the rusty locker opened with a creak.  As I replaced my Pink tote for my books and binders, Josh's bright blue eyes appeared from behind my locker door.  I giggled in amusement.  His eyes gleamed and he reavealed his whole body.

"Hey Maddie," Josh said, smiling truthfully. 

I smiled back.  "Hey there," I replied, turning away from him to finish collecting my books and shut my locker door.  "What's up?"

"Nothing really," Josh sighed, folding his books under his arm.  "Just wondering why you're so nice to me today."

I stiffened.  "I-uh-I'm just in a good mood," I stuttered, cursing under my breath.  I was an idiot, stuttering like that.  If Josh was smart enough, he would figure out something was up.

"Oh, ok," Josh said, pretending to be hurt.  I giggled a little.  Of course Josh wasn't smart enough to figure that out.

"I don't mean that, you know," I said, punching him softly with my free hand.  Josh smiled at me, and I smiled back.  It felt...different.  Different than yesterday.  Maybe it was because I didn't want to smack him in the face like I would've wanted to the day before.

"Good to know," Josh said, looking away awkwardly.  I just looked at the books that were in my arms.

"Hey Maddie," I heard Chloe say.  I whipped around and saw the blonde haired girl with a smile smacked across her lips.

"Oh hi," I said awkwardly, smiling weakly.  She gave me a look of confusion, and I gestured my eyes toward the blue eyed boy to my right.

"Oh," Chloe mouthed to me, and then she smirked.  I shook my head violently.  Chloe, don't, I thought, my eyes getting huge.  She backed off, still smirking.  I rolled my eyes and turned back to Josh.

"Sorry, I-" I started, but then I was slammed into a locker.

"Ow," I muttered, picking up the book that had fallen.  Looking up, I saw my "attacker".  Paige Hyland.  Of course.

"Stay away," Paige growled, gesturing toward Josh.  Josh noticed me on the ground by Paige, and anger flared in his eyes.  He stomped over and got in Paige's face.

"What the hell?" Josh yelled, his voice echoing throughout the hallway.  Everyone stopped and watched.  "What's your problem Paige?"

 "I don't like her," Paige stated, eyeing me down intensely.  "Therefore, I don't want you to hang out with her."  I rolled my eyes and stood up next to Josh.

"So?" Josh rumbled again.  "You're my sister, not my guardian angel!  I should be able to hang out or date whoever I want to!"  The blue eyed boy stepped closer to me.  Paige gave me a look that would've been a death threat if she was talking.

"Whatever, Joshua," Paige spat, walking away.  The hallway was so silent, you could still hear Paige's stilettos clicking.  People started to walk again, going to their homerooms.  I was surprised the bell hadn't rung yet.  

"Thanks for standing up for me, Josh," I said, smiling kindly.  Josh smiled back, and I swore I saw he cheeks go pink.

"No problem," he said, helping me up.  Maybe Josh wasn't as bad as I thought he was.  He had changed in less than 24 hours.  That's a new record.

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