7 - Breakout

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Fluffy white clouds hung heavily in the sky, casting the drifting continent in a light mist and obscuring the view of the world below. Pixel could just make out the narrow trail of a river making its way towards the Backbone Mountains in the distance.

"I can't believe you're going through with this." Leaf crossed his arms and shook his head. "You're risking a prison sentence."

"You agreed with me," she reminded him. "What they're planning is twisted. It's practically murder!"

He gave a flustered sigh. "You know we only deal with investigations that fall between the cracks. Is this really one of them?"

"Yes. The police want nothing to do with cases involving the virus. They've left the hospitals completely in charge of such things."

"But murder, Pixel."

"The doctors would just play the 'virus' card and tell them it's a potential cure. Unfortunately, it's a grey area."

He rubbed a paw over his face, nudging his headphones so they fell around his neck. "If they had his permission to perform a risky procedure, I'd understand. But either way, you're putting yourself at risk trying to stop them."

"I'm not going alone."

"No. You're going ahead with the crazy plans of a human, who – I'm not discriminating – I just don't know so I can't trust him."

She rolled her eyes. "You're being paranoid."

"Can you blame me? We've lost so many members as it is! I don't want to lose you too."

"You're not going to lose me." She looked over at him, but he didn't meet her eyes. Instead focusing his attention on the misty view below them. "Besides, if we do get caught, we have all the evidence we need. I'm sure the police won't be happy with what Hertz is planning, even with all those suffering from this virus. It's still wrong. It's still murder."

"I think they'd be fighting for you to call it manslaughter."

"They know perfectly well what the risks are." She hugged herself as a cold breeze washed over her and looked out at the horizon. "Yet they're still wanting to go through with it."

"I'd like to say it's none of our business, but I know you too well to know you're not going to just let this slide."

She gave a small smile and shook her head. "No. Not now I know it's happening. Oh! I think that's him."

A winged shape beat its way towards them, growing gradually larger as it surged up from the ground below. The unmistakable red and black feathers of a talonflame stood stark against the pale mist before he burst forth, whipping up the air as he landed daintily on the grass. He gave Leaf a nod then fixed his golden eyes on Pixel.

"Are you ready?" he asked. "There's no turning back now."

Pixel clambered onto his back and once he was happy she was securely in place he turned to take off, but faltered as Leaf waved a paw to distract him.

"Just so you know, I'm not happy about this." The ivysaur pointedly crossed his arms again.

"Don't worry." Switch winked. "We have an expert on our team."

"What expert?" Leaf shouted.

"A friend of mine."

His answer didn't satisfy Leaf remotely. He fired several other questions as Switch beat his wings, rising smoothly into the air and leaving Leaf's cries of protest to die out behind them.

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